Pineapple Pound Cake | Pineapple Flavored Cream Cheese Glaze | It's So Moist | #PoundCakeQueen👑

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Today I wanted to try making a Pineapple Pound Cake with a Pineapple flavored Cream Cheese Glaze. #PoundCakeQueen #PineapplePoundCake …

18 replies
  1. KDurschmidt
    KDurschmidt says:

    Show it in the glass cake tray, it looked best there, and so we can see it on the plate, when your eating it, other than that, loved the video and your both fun to watch when..espeically when your eating the cake and at the end dancing, so cute together!!

  2. Jennifer Bynum
    Jennifer Bynum says:

    I applaud your tenacity to develop something so experimental using crushed pineapple in a pound cake and another great big handclap is also for, you use SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR instead of using regular flour. When people use plain flour for baking pound cakes they come out looking like cornbread, the cakes are not moist, they remind me of eating a peanut butter sandwich in the middle of the Sahara Desert without ONE DROP OF WATER! Your cake looked divinely delicious!

  3. Courtrina Bloomfield
    Courtrina Bloomfield says:

    Oh my goodness, Ms. Donna. This cake looks so delicious. I could eat it off the screen. I just love your cake platter and glass dome. Where did you purchase from if you don't mind me asking? Also, what is the manufacturer's name!!! I need one to display my pineapple pound cake in now that I saw yours!!! I'm so not kidding!!! Ya'll be blessed!!!

  4. Melanie Wood
    Melanie Wood says:

    One more comment. I went to Michaels the other day for flavoring oil for some candy I was making. They have quite a good selection of flavors there. I believe it is the same brand that you showed on your video. They run about 3.99 for a twin pack.


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