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I’m showing you two of my favorite ways to make perfect, juicy grilled chicken – marinated and BBQ. Head to …

24 replies
  1. heavyq
    heavyq says:

    I've eaten close to 5 pounds of chicken a week for the last 12 years. When I discovered cooking to 150 and having it carry over the rest of the way it changed my cooking game. I've switched to chicken thighs for my weekly meal prep, but when do need to make chicken breasts it's nice to not overcook them like so many people do.

  2. Captain Ed Mercer
    Captain Ed Mercer says:

    That marinade looks great. It seems easy. We might try that on some chicken breats or tenders and cook it on the stove. We don't have a grill anymore. We used that little table tob weber grill so many times and in the end someone accidentally knocked it over and it busted down. Lol. We got our moneys worth tho for sure. It was like $50 and we used it countless times.

  3. John Stanley
    John Stanley says:

    Brian, despite having almost 500K subs, you are SLEPT ON. I have yet to make anything by you that hasn't been good. I find your style of video and ingredients much more approachable than most other big Youtube content creators. It's high quality stuff but lacking in pretentiousness. You are a great teacher, keep doing what you do my guy.

  4. JJ_ Crank
    JJ_ Crank says:

    Those were some great tips. That marinade is definitely getting a test drive this summer.

    I couldn't agree more about grilled BBQ chicken legs defining summer. That brings back lots of memories. Also, charcoal is a pain and takes way too long.

  5. Ebby C
    Ebby C says:

    It is reeally funny to me how this video caught the fuuuuurthest corner of my eye on the Youtube start window. i hadn't even signed in ( had to sign in to leave this comment)
    I guess I love chicken 😊😊
    Thanks for the vid.

  6. Felix Estridge
    Felix Estridge says:

    I did this exact thing last week with chicken legs and BBQ sauce for my wife. The only change I made was that I "butterflied" each leg and they were awesome. Still was a good hand-held item and very juicy, too, since I did what you did with the cook zones on my gas grill. I have a 4-burner setup, one of which is a sear and I kept it on the high setting all the way on the other side of the grill from the chicken.

  7. Hitch Slap
    Hitch Slap says:


    Lol, I heard "45 minutes" both times. Checked the comments and seeing no one mentioned I thought I was going crazy as 45 minutes is ridiculous.

    Then realized its "4 TO 5 minutes". -.-
    Yup, that makes sense.


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