Pasta Curry from Pokémon Sword and Shield | Arcade with Alvin

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This week on Arcade with Alvin, Alvin is creating the stunning pasta curry from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Follow Alvin Zhou on …

25 replies
  1. Paula Jones
    Paula Jones says:

    Can you make food from Sailor Moon, The Muppets, Sesame Street, My Little Pony, Camp Lazlo, Shimmer and Shine, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi?

  2. Beedo Sookcool
    Beedo Sookcool says:

    Never played that game, but seeing the title of the video made me think of curry-flavoured pasta we used to be able to get. Delicious when used as a base for a curry.

    I dunno, though . . . ketchup?! NO. Just . . . just no.

  3. ArcticDragon97
    ArcticDragon97 says:

    Sausage curry? Does this remind you of German Currywurst?

    Interesting that the former Axis powers turned into curry-loving countries under British influence. Except Italy, which defected to the Allies and absolutely does not want to ruin its unique dishes with an Indian twist.

  4. BrokamaGay
    BrokamaGay says:

    These recipes definitely seem like something 10 year olds leaving home for the first time and cooking for themselves would make. Pasta curry is definitely a must try.

  5. Paladin Polecat
    Paladin Polecat says:

    Sausage curry = eating meat in Pokemon confirmed
    Eating meat = eating Pokemon

    As if the Pokedex and in-game libraries didn't already make it plain as day, there is a food chain and not all Pokemon live on a diet consisting exclusively of berries.


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