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Welcome back friends! Today we share another day in the life with us! We have another delay in our closing date and I wasn’t in the mood to drive Wilder …

29 replies
  1. Flower Child
    Flower Child says:

    Stinks that closing date changes. But at least you had given yourself all of March to move in slowly. Good thing you guys have some wiggle time. Hope all goes well this next week.

    Also,how is your sourdough? Haven’t seen you give updates on how that is turning out.

  2. coupon gal
    coupon gal says:

    TFS,really enjoy your meals. I did want to let you know if you need an easy BBQ/steak sauce type recipe How Inez rolls has a 3 ingredient recipe. We make it all the time, very rarely buy BBQ anymore an it kinda reminds me of country Bob which is awesome. Have a great Sunday,we had homemade pizza for dinner.

  3. lemoncrinckles
    lemoncrinckles says:

    Tiffany, I remember when I bought my house there was a stack of papers to sign that seemed like an inch thick (slight exaggeration, but…). Seems like there are all these different agencies to go through to get to the goal. But you will get there! That's great that you're getting access to the house. BTW…that pizza looked amazing! (:

  4. Bettye Rembert
    Bettye Rembert says:

    Did Haley do your hair? It looks really nice. Also maybe if wilder gets upset while you are driving you could just pull over for a minute of two to reassure him that you are still there. Put a mirror on his car seat so he can see you. He probably hate riding backward. And you are dealing with a smart baby, he's catching on how to get control. My nephew use to do the crying thing so hard even I would get scare. His mom put a mirror onto his car seat. Yes it helped a lot. My nephew never passed out, but he sure scare us. He'll be 8 this year. And he's super smart.😊

  5. Amber F
    Amber F says:

    Wilder is so handsome πŸ’“
    Your hair Tiffany is beautiful.πŸ’“
    We go through so many bananas here.
    Sorry your closing is delayed. I'm praying for all of you.
    Your pizza looked delicious. 😁
    Awesome video sweetheart πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  6. Erica Stout
    Erica Stout says:

    Hi Angel girl. It won't be very long now. Until you get your new home. And I know that you will be so happy!! I pray for you and your family πŸ™ to love and enjoy your new home. God bless you and your family to angel girl

  7. Lana Graham
    Lana Graham says:

    You'll be moved in and settled in your new home before you know it. I know it's frustrating. Ash is the sweetest girl! Hope she adjusts really well to her retainer. They were having fun with those boxes, weren't they?

  8. Joanne Macione
    Joanne Macione says:

    Sorry it's taking so long to close on the house must be Very frustrating ☹️ Your hair looks Beautiful!!Planning meals at this point,must be Hard!! You're doing a Great Job though!! Love the kids playing,So Cute!! Hugs and Prayers for you allβ™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ™πŸ™

  9. Teresa Doyle
    Teresa Doyle says:

    Next month this time you will be all settled in to your new home and planting those new peppers 🌢! So exciting!!!!!
    As for your shopping for ketchup and β€œthings” you still have to eat in the meantime…
    My husband works for the D.O.T. And works with asphalt/tar/diesel (among other things) and comes home very dirty most days, I learned from my Mom to wash his clothes separately in Pine-Sol. It helps to clean a LOT of the β€˜gunk’ and smell from those work clothes…
    Love Ash’s smile (even with the retainer) and her special card for Mom…what a little darling she is! 😍


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