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extremefoodbudget #foodbudget #groceryhaul #asdaessentials Hey FreeGang! Thanks for tuning into another video! This …

48 replies
  1. Coolguy 387
    Coolguy 387 says:

    Fun fact did you guys now that Cavemen/Neanderthals were not our ancestors as you were lead to believe they were actually our cousins and we lived at the exact same time they did and contrary to popular belief, Caveman and Cro-Magnon‘s, which is us neither of us had clubs, and we were not dumb brutes, and, like us caveman were fully capable of critical thinking, and speaking and they did as a matter fact, the oldest spears are way older than clubs also cave men were the first hominids to actually evolve in Europe and supposedly west Asia about 400,000 years ago while we as modern humans evolved in Ethiopia about 300,000 years ago and as I said before modern humans left Ethiopia in Africa as a whole about 60,000 years ago and spread out through West and east Asia and Australia about 50,000 years ago and around that time humans encountered Neanderthals in the Middle East and later on about 45,000 years ago humans through Central and west Asia spread out through Europe mainly continental Europe and then finally about 15,000 years ago humans from Mongolia and Siberia Croston to the Americas, and they would come to be called the Native Americans, and they were cut off from the rest of the world when the land bridge that they walk through they connected Siberia in North America through Alaska submerged under the sea when the sea levels rose after the last Ice Age ended about 12,000 years ago and little known fact, humans were the first primates in North America in 25 million years because the last primates in America before us disappeared 25 million years ago and if I might also add wild horses, rhinos and supposedly camels first evolved in North America but of course they all disappeared from North America about 12,000 years ago after millions of years of being in the continents along with all the other giant mega fauna at the time such as Mammoths Mastodons giant Ground Sloths Saber toothed cats dire Coyotes in the mega, finer in Eurasia, also went extinct, such as the woolly rhinos woolly mammoths cave bears although the cave bears went extinct thousands of years before the Irish elk died out, cave lions died out cave hyenas died out. The Aurochs survived until the 17th century and surprisingly recently, to my knowledge, there were a small population of woolly mammoth on an island north of eastern Russia, that survived long after the majority of the other megafauna had all died out but they were still on borrowed time and they lived to see the pyramids being built although they didn’t really see it they were just around when the pyramids were built so they died out about 900 years after the pyramids were built and nobody knows for certain what killed off the majority of the larger animals at the end of the last Ice Age some say humans did it some say the Ice Age ending did it but personally I think both might’ve played the part in someway

  2. izzieful
    izzieful says:

    I always do avocado stones like that too but the other day the knife slipped and I got quite a nasty cut! Would now definitely recommend putting them on a chopping board first before whacking the knife in 😅😬

  3. Cazzy W
    Cazzy W says:

    Hi Katie, I watched when you posted last night, I didn’t comment because I wanted to go and try to make the oat milk, it was fantastic and super easy, omg it will be a regular staple from now on in my house, thank you. You should definitely look into making a money/ meal saver cook book. 😊🇮🇪

  4. Sarah McEwan #EVPEACE
    Sarah McEwan #EVPEACE says:

    You'll have to do sainsburys one for the week too, and is there any chance of you three going geocashing, it's a fun app on your phone that let's you get out and explore and when said geocash is found, you can swap items for other item's, please say you'll d it for a video. Thanks. Sarah from Yorkshire. X

  5. Lisa Millward
    Lisa Millward says:

    Literally Katie Girl you could go into this full time and making up coook books and follow guide videos of these sort of things..literally a absolute top cooking star 🌟 could watch you do soo many and much more . Lets give you a rest break day next day and let bob do a cooking meal day all your favourites that will be amazing to watch🙈i mean he is watching from the best 🥰🎀wha could go wrong 🤪keep it up you guys ❤❤xx

  6. CrazieFrogz
    CrazieFrogz says:

    Oh. Yeah! I got a challenge for you completely Raw vegan for 24hrs… With desserts. ❤🎉 love to see another video. I'm gong to make some of these for dinner. As we trying to loose more weight. I'm glad you didn't go all processed vegan foods.. That was nice to see. You kept it pretty healthy. Though greens a day keeps the doctor away. Yeah I know they say apples but honestly not enough people get their leafy greens in. 😊 i love oat milk & the less sugar added the better. Have you left out the salt though? You think it would change the flavor ?

  7. Soul
    Soul says:

    I’m live but not live from my bed in oldham, feeling sorry for myself because I’m unwell. I just got two 12 week old puppies though so that’s keeping me on my toes.
    Thanks for the video I always come away smiling ❤️

  8. Milly Folkard
    Milly Folkard says:

    Amazing vlog! It gives everybody a good idea of how to cook on a budget and even better that it’s vegan too!
    I’ve always wanted to try and make my own plant milk but it seemed harder than it looked but your video made it easier
    For the mash add some garlic,herbs, salt and pepper and tiny bit of chilli give sit that extra kick
    #freegang #livebutnotlive #freedomfamily 💚

  9. Karen Mar
    Karen Mar says:

    Great ideas guys. Thank you so much for making this video. The food looked delish! I love Katies tip on the avocado pit. 🤗
    I usually have oatmeal with fruit for breakfast. I have made icecream with frozen bananas but I'm so bad. 🤭 I add chocolate and peanut butter or Justin's reese's peanut butter cups as a short cut, blend it up, so good. I have to add the frozen strawberries because that sounds real good too.

  10. ZiNgOaPpELsIN
    ZiNgOaPpELsIN says:

    I am 100% going to make my mash with my handmixer next time!! soon 4 kids under 4 and It looked so easy, takes 4ever to mash for a big family! You added outmilk & butter?? Sesoning like salt and pepper?? -Katarina❤

  11. Megan Thornton
    Megan Thornton says:

    Hey freedom.gang x quick question im starting a diet soon.and really want to try going vegan as i feel.its a healthy option xan yoy so.i can get ideas of things xx


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