One Pan Creamy Chicken and Rice Recipe – Laura Vitale

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48 replies
  1. Katherine Benton
    Katherine Benton says:

    Made this because I thought my picky eater would like it. Overwhelmingly positive reviews all around. Very impressed. This is one I will keep in rotation. I did caramelize the onions a little. But either way would have been fantastic. We're a little sensitive to dairy so I used lactose free whole milk and it turned out amazing. No stomach issues even with the cheese.

  2. IceWater Productions
    IceWater Productions says:

    I always added the greens from the very beginning of their lives and they NEVER the difference. As soon as the middle kid had teeth she was eating broccoli like it was candy and she never hated any green vegetable.

  3. DustinYDU
    DustinYDU says:

    Laura, I love you, I love your recipes. But I went to your website to get the recipe (so i know what to shop for) and holy hell the ads on your website! I couldn't search cuz an ad popped in front of it 3 times. I was able to search after that, but I gave up

  4. Jon Saul
    Jon Saul says:

    This is fantastic like all of your recipes; they are all right on it! Delicious, great job always. I know your recipes are on point and I enjoy your Northeastern accent too!! Thank you.
    (South Mississippi Gulf Coast area)

  5. all4theglory
    all4theglory says:

    Made this tonight and it turned out delicious. Used chicken legs and whole milk because that’s what I had on hand and it came out great. It was so easy to make too! My picky almost two year old also liked it which was amazing. Thank you for the recipe!

  6. Sandy H.
    Sandy H. says:

    I made this dish for the first time just yesterday and after two bites my husband exclaimed "It's a keeper!" It is now in the dinner rotation. Thank you for a quick, easy, tasty meal that my husband loves and that makes me look like a chef.

  7. lawrence burchett
    lawrence burchett says:

    So many variations , I like many good cooks , use what I think works and give that my own twist , been doing that since cooking on Tugboats (and doing everything else on the boat) since the 70ts .Things like this are easy and tasty and I might add cheap …

  8. K T
    K T says:

    I made this tonight using Tony's Creole seasoning and used shrimp and Kielbasa instead of chicken and it was so delicious. Maybe one of the best dishes I have ever made. Thank you Laura for posting this.

  9. Liset Maldonado
    Liset Maldonado says:

    Laura I hope you read this !!! My toddler was refusing to eat, anything that wasn’t Mac and cheese . Made this and he had 3 plates !!!! YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER !!!!! The best thank you!!! Saved me time and gave me so much peace of mind all in one meal! Thank you !

  10. HavaCaz
    HavaCaz says:

    Just tried this recipe on the fly – I forgot I dumped out my old seasonings and haven’t purchase any replacements short story long I used jarred pesto instead of Italian seasonings. Turned out pretty great anyway. I’ll be trying more recipes soon! Thank you!

  11. Chris W
    Chris W says:

    This tastes like chicken alfredo with rice looks beautiful, and it is the best meal I've eaten this year! I'm not a good cook, but this is doable for inexperienced cooks. Definitely an 11 out of 10❤!


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