One Day Closer to Spring | Dinner Rolls, Pickled Eggs & Starting Seeds

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Spring is on the horizon with longer days, warmer temperatures and snow beginning to melt. We get to work bringing snow into …

20 replies
  1. Celalettin Akarcay
    Celalettin Akarcay says:

    Hello Eric and Erian my wife and I been watching your show. We like your show very much. I have a questions did you bring your 2 dogs and cat to Alaska also what border you used and what they ask about your animals and passing. Please answer this questions because we are also moving to Anchorage Alaska area. We hope to see you both there.

  2. Linda Benn
    Linda Benn says:

    I enjoy them as well. Sort of our life in winter in Canada. I watched a video you made on making Kimchi. Do you still eat it? I can’t live without it. I’m hooked. Stay safe and keep warm

  3. Gordon Knapstad
    Gordon Knapstad says:

    As much as you two seem to enjoy spicy things, i.e. cowboy caviar, hot peppers, etc., Have you considered growing horseradish? I have a couple of plants that I grow in Montana, and they have survived -54 degrees F, without any mulch…

  4. Dee Paschall
    Dee Paschall says:

    I love spring but its short lived hear in El Paso TX as it gets so hot early but i love my garden and have planted tomatoes,squash and cucumbers.I also have my winter garden and we are enjoying lettuce,radishes beets and turnips 😃🪴🌻🌴

  5. Julie Mcgugan
    Julie Mcgugan says:

    Here in Paphos, Cyprus, our weather has gone back to winter temps, these last few weeks! Had hail a handful of times and some snow in our higher elevations. But next week, we are due to reach freezing and below freezing temps, so not a lot has germinated for me, yet. My asparagus that I started last spring gave me a half-dozen spears in January and I left the rest so that the plant could grow some more and gain strength. It was the right thing to do, as now the plant is absolutely monstrous! Three feet high and more spears have appeared from the base of the plant. Keep catching my jack Russell eyeing it longingly, as he loves asparagus, but I’ve told him he isn’t allowed to eat any more, this year!

  6. Shane Marasigan
    Shane Marasigan says:

    I am so excited to grow potato this year, you guys inspired me to garden here in Alaska. I will also try and grow some carrots this year! Thank you for sharing a bit of your everyday life and inspiring many people like me.


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