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A response to the questions about how to exist on planet Earth without cooking in oil. It’s a bit of a challenge at first, but you can do …

35 replies
  1. Steve D'Sa
    Steve D'Sa says:

    I get that cooking with oil cause trans-fats…. and trans-fats are SUPER BAD FOR ARTERIAL HEALTH but what if I used induction heating, with a precise temperature below the oil smoking point? Wait! Is thats just my big belly craving fat!? Maybe…

  2. Steve D'Sa
    Steve D'Sa says:

    OBSERVATION: the nutrient water that you threw out to speed up the time is precious; I believe it helps 'brown' the onions! (from two other videos I watched describing this process)….

  3. Olivia
    Olivia says:

    Sorry, I don’t use non-stick cookware. It’s terrible for the environment (both in the manufacture and the fact you need to throw it out and replace it every 1-2 years), plus the forever chemicals have been linked to health problems and tap water contamination. I’ll take my tablespoon of oil and use a cast iron pan, carbon steel pan, glass dish, or stainless steel pan.

  4. lauratanln
    lauratanln says:

    Before I come across this video, I have not cooked with oil for more than a decade, after I learned that cooking fumes are unhealthy. So mainly it's just steaming, boiling and baking for me.

  5. Lauren Anderson
    Lauren Anderson says:

    I've been cooking oil free 95% of the time and more and more as I go. At first I felt like I was depriving myself and kept wondering if this is unhealthy.. but nothing about oil is healthy for us unless we were starving so it's good to go! I'm getting better! I need one of those baking sheets!

  6. MJ T
    MJ T says:

    You can absolutely water fry in a cast iron pan.Also, zucchini and onions release a lot of water on their own. You could have added just a couple tablespoons of water.

  7. Paul Mares
    Paul Mares says:

    Yeah…ngl, that looks not done at all and pretty vile actually lol
    Also it looks like there be sticking a LOT on that "non stick pan"
    Also pretty high maintenance and extra regulation with this pan. I'm all pro oil-free cooking alternatives, but this one ain't it chief

  8. Kurt Jenney
    Kurt Jenney says:

    I actually prefer to saute my veggies in a raw unseasoned cast iron pan! I don't add any water; instead, I cover and heat on medium until the juices start flowing, then after a while I dial up the heat and begin the browning process using just the liquids from the veggies.

  9. Havad
    Havad says:

    I've started using this 'marmot' (marble) nonstick fry pan in Mexico; and I'm wondering why it's not all the craze. Zero complaints. Works perfectly. Wondering if there's a down side I don't know of. Was cheap too.

  10. Tomato Lemon
    Tomato Lemon says:

    You are retarded man, oil is beneficial as hell and there’s a reason why we have the expression “fat of the land”. Eat a balanced diet and ffs please don’t use non stick pans they are toxic especially teflon ones.

  11. Julie Wake
    Julie Wake says:

    I never cook in oil. I follow the OMS diet (for MS) and no cooking in oil is allowed. Dry frying everything is absolutely fine, with just a little bit of water if you want to dry fry.

  12. Ace Spa
    Ace Spa says:

    Finally a channel I can follow. Everytime I look for a recipe that's healthy on here they use shit loads of oil. Some of us look for healthy meals because we have bad health issues. So frustrating.

  13. DR J Craps
    DR J Craps says:

    I have eliminated all oils from my diet at home. However I oil pull using Organic Coconut Oil 3-4 days per week in the morning when I first get up. I wonder how much oil I actually absorb in my mouth without of course not swallowing it but spitting it out after around 15min? Does anyone Oil Pull? My Dental Hygienist states I have some of the most healthy gums she sees at the office.


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