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Plant Based Bundle is on sale AGAIN! Over $4000 worth of vegan focused …

44 replies
  1. Deb BG
    Deb BG says:

    A favorites video. Your favorite childhood memory. Favorite school subject. Favorite travel destination. Most admired person. Favorite holiday. Favorite food, drink – vegan, plant based and back in your omnivore days. Sort of a get to know you both better vid.

  2. tenapit
    tenapit says:

    I finally tried the bbq air fried soy curls. So delicious. I also chopped it up after and made a “chick’n” salad with a little hot sauce and pit it in a wrap.

  3. Hesham Aldhahiry
    Hesham Aldhahiry says:

    Love the content, this is off topic and may trigger alot of weaker personalities. But after 6 or 7 years of being together, don't you think it's time to tie the knot with your partner? Or how long does it take to propose?

  4. Patrick Wong
    Patrick Wong says:

    I haven't had a PB&J in years because I didn't want to eat all that sugar (BTW, for me J means strawberry Jam), but when I heard you guys talk about fresh fruit for PB&J instead of jam or jelly, I wasn't sure that the result would be all that great but I decided to give it a try, anyways -and I LOVED IT!!! I think I actually like the fresh strawberries BETTER than strawberry jam! (They seem to go better with the peanut butter.) Not only that, but now the unhealthiest part of PB&J (the sugar-packed jam) is probably the healthiest part of it -the low glycemic strawberries! Thank you for the great tip! And I almost forgot -Happy New Years!

  5. Joopda loop
    Joopda loop says:

    It’s difficult when you’re vegan and have animals to care for. There’s definitely better plant based options for them so could even mix it up. and i think dogs easier than cats. my dogs love veggies and some plant based kibble but still get some fish based food (they always had allergies to a lot of meat so that’s been easier for me) It’s so hard though!

  6. Josh Leggero
    Josh Leggero says:

    I feel that feeding cats a vegan diet would actually go against a vegan way of life because cats/dogs are omnivorous and they need meat to survive just like a lion would where as humans do not. The part that sucks is that we have to buy this food from companies that are involved in the meat and dairy industry. So it's a battle but I go with feeding my pets a healthy balanced diet of meat and plants and try to find the best sourced food I can.

  7. let's learn it
    let's learn it says:

    Milk is the hardest thing for me (cuz of my mum.. milk is kinda considered sacred in our culture.. unfortunately… cow is not longer sacred .. cuz of these greedy manipulators) to give up .. this isn't that I can't live without milk.. or that I crave milk but it's my mum… for her .. milk is something really really healthy and heavenly..
    Well.. I'm currently down with fever … and she thinks it has to do with my lil to no dairy consumption..
    I was a meat eater back when I was a kid but that didn't mean I never fell ill .. Infact It was more often than this but she doesn't care about that.. my immunity as a kid has never been that high. Well. I'm 16 now and well developing but mum's quite worried.. she's a vegetarian herself butshe wants me to eat everything under the sun. That's hypocricy.. right???

  8. a c
    a c says:

    i love the way you guys put out in the open the things you struggle with in your minds.
    💖 lots of people won't touch certain subjects. i am trying to find the video where you pointed out your favourite deodorants, but i cannot find it. someone on another channel was wondering about deodorants, and i wanted to pass it on, and also for myself. lots of them are weird smelling or too strong smelling. does anyone remember the brands? thanks for all you do! 🌺 happy new year!🏵

  9. Derek Patterson
    Derek Patterson says:

    Long time/first time. Heart felt Happy New Year, from one Derek to another. Vegan going on 13yrs here, and the channel and your optimism have been a mainstay for years at this point. Inspiring many a recipe (not sure what was life was like before your sauce recipe vids!) and many a jaunt outside, although Berlin is a little more urbanised than Vancouver Island :). Looking forward to whatever you have in store for 2022. Know that the time and personal energy you put into these videos is valued and that they are warmly accepted with gratitude. Take care!

  10. Only the Veggie Best
    Only the Veggie Best says:

    Vitamin D deficiency causes bruising as well. My vegan daughter was diagnosed with very low D3 and we had noticed a lot of unusual bruising prior to that. She’s now on prescription D3 once per week and the bruising has subsided!

  11. Zi Han Tan
    Zi Han Tan says:

    Hey Derek, happy new year! I really love watching these Q&As however I hope you'd consider toning down the number of ads on the replays. I'm getting 1 every 5 mins. It really breaks up the flow and the conversational feel of these streams.

  12. Witchy Woman
    Witchy Woman says:

    I'm watching a replay since I couldn't catch the live, and have a suggestion for the person who asked about warm caffeine free beverages that aren't coffee. You may want to try Teeccino. It's an herbal caffeine free product that steeps like tea but has a coffee-ish taste. It comes in single serve bags as well as loose. The dandelion mint, and maca chocolate are my favorites. You can drink plain or add whatever (vegan of course) creamer and sugar you like.

  13. Janet at Unique Raw Foods
    Janet at Unique Raw Foods says:

    If someone is having blood sugar issues…one key issue could be developing insulin resistance…which is primarily from the fats…any type…the fats in the diet. Its technically not the sugar…especially from natural carbohydrates/fruit…

  14. Leonie du Plessis
    Leonie du Plessis says:

    Happy New Year Derek and Crystal, very interest answer and questions today. After 2years plantbased I don't miss any animal products. But I am a big Fan of your recipes and tips. Love your 2 kittens😊💕🐈


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