**NEW** $5 EMERGENCY Meal Plan || Realistic What I Would Do In An Extreme Situation

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Hey y’all! Hope you enjoy! Love, Brooke #frugalliving #emergencyfood #cheapmeals #budget #familymeals #tightbudget …

22 replies
  1. thelma campbell
    thelma campbell says:

    It's 3am, can't sleep so I'm bingeing your videos…this one reminded me of mama's macaroni and tomatoes ( a little salt, a little sugar, a little black pepper) and always served with homemade cornbread…got to make that soon with some fried cabbage…tfs

    WAN ROHANI WAN Harun says:

    Hi brooke! Have you ever shared how to make easy chicken pot pie? Would appreciate it if you share the recipe or if you’ve already shared it if you could share the link with me?🎉 i love chicken pot pie, but it’s extremely expensive if i buy the readymade ones

  3. James Metzler
    James Metzler says:

    Another hit, Brooke! I have a question for you, and a small suggestion:
    Question, is tomato paste cheaper than tomato sauce ?
    Suggestion, I would have browned/grilled the hot dogs first.
    Love this channel. Keep up all the good work.

  4. Barbara M
    Barbara M says:

    Today was a really bad day for me and I needed an easy dinner for my husband, mother and myself so I made the pasta. I made it using chili ready tomatoes though. Then i made your Super Bowl puff pastry wrapped kalbosie with cheese in it. I left them long though. My husband and mother loved the meal. Thank you for sharing the idea.

  5. SxP
    SxP says:

    God bless you for sharing these ideas! Every parent needs a quick easy CHEAP meal… you never know when you'll fall on hard times. A full belly is better than hunger…especially when you have babies. ❤❤❤

  6. Kim Cloke
    Kim Cloke says:

    Sometimes it’s about getting our bodies fueled. All food is fuel!! You have to have calories to survive. People please stop judging what others do or don’t eat. We are all doing the best we can!

  7. Dawn Anderson
    Dawn Anderson says:

    People who take the time to leave negative, unpleasant comments could probably put that time to better use. Maybe by duct taping themselves to something. I was raised by addicts and alcoholics and food is not the priority of people like that so I know what it's like to go to bed hungry. Your videos are wonderful, I love them now that I'm fortunate to have comfortable financial resources because it's important to always be prepared. We never know what is coming our way in the future!!

  8. Melissa Wingfield
    Melissa Wingfield says:

    You could even make garlic bread with the pasta if you had a little butter (a little goes a long way) by toasting the bread, putting a little butter on it, then putting some garlic powder and onion spices on it. You might not even need butter. I have to admit, the pasta at first didn't look too appetizing when you were putting the cheese in, but when it was done, it looked delicious! It's amazing what cooking food can do, vs just having each thing plain, by itself. Thanks for another great video!

  9. Uncle Bucks Quarter
    Uncle Bucks Quarter says:

    I mean I feel you on the not eating breakfast anyway, but if I was that person or felt like having breakfast. You had that mix and there you go.
    Swear we were extra poor growing up plus having a dysfunctional to put it nicely, home life. Buns were never an option or even on a list. We ate burgers and dogs plain or on bread. Koolade no sugar sometimes. Green was the best. I got some stories I could tell you on some of the meals we had. People be thankful for these recipes right here cus we didn’t have the internet for these great ideas.

  10. Lucky Robin's Homestead
    Lucky Robin's Homestead says:

    When I was in elementary school in the late 1970's and early 80's they served that grilled hotdog wrapped in American cheese wrapped in toasted white bread for hot lunch. They held it together with a toothpick (yeah, they'd never do that today). It was called weenie twinkies (they'd also never call them that today). It was one of the most popular hot lunches, third only to chicken noodle soup day, and fish and chips day. We never got onion rings, though.

  11. Tracey Zvirblis
    Tracey Zvirblis says:

    Brooke! Genius idea slicing the bread so it has a pocket….now that video was outstanding sweet girl. That was a good amount of food for that small amount of money. Lots of taste & most importantly, comfort food to cheer up anyone whose feeling bad about food insecurity. You are knocking them out of the park…wahoo! 😊


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