Most Morbidly Named Recipe Ever? – Drowned (Boiled) Baby PUDDING – 19th Century Dessert

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A few Lovelies told me about Drowned or Boiled Baby, a macabre-sounding dessert from Patrick O’Brian’s the Aubrey/Maturin novels. In actuality, it’s a boiled …

40 replies
  1. Harper Tracey
    Harper Tracey says:

    You have to remember in Europe back in plague era and you know when there was a lot more poverty many resorted to eating human flesh and that included babies from time to time as well mind you this was not general practice and not okay with those ran the country the king Catholic Church etc so the name really doesn't surprise me a whole lot LOL

  2. snowy river
    snowy river says:

    In the UK a pudding can be savoury or sweet, hence steak and kidney pudding. My grandmother used to make a dish called boiled baby's heads. It was a round suet pudding filled with liver, bacon and onions. The suet pastry was rolled out into a circle, the filling was lightly braised before putting into the centre of the pastry, then rolled up into a circle, wrapped in a pudding cloth and boiled. It was delicious!

  3. Glory Vandergulik
    Glory Vandergulik says:

    My Newfie mom makes a similar version with blueberries for Jigs Dinner (aka Sunday or Newfie Dinner) but it's boiled in the pot with everything else (salt beef, cabbage, various root vegetables) so it gets a lovely salty crust on the outside and we eat it along with the meal as a side more than a desert.

  4. Ropey
    Ropey says:

    I normally watch through FB and I lost the link so I watched this through YouTube and the quality. Does FB downgrade resolution? It's almost like Emmysan is in the room with me!

  5. dawn conner
    dawn conner says:

    sounds alot like plum pudding, or also called christmas pudding. you KNOW! 'we all want some figgy pudding, so bring it right HERE"(we wish you a merry christmas, the song)

  6. Brandi Akin
    Brandi Akin says:

    Emmy coul do so many things and be just as great… You can tell that what makes her so great at what she does her is her attention to detail, she follows directions to a T, how descriptive she is, how enthusiastic she is and he zeal. None of that is specific to food and she doesn't seem overly passionate about food specifically. Its alike she just enjoys the idea of trying new recipes, or products, especially odd or uncommon ones, and then following through….
    I'd love to see her apply her great characteristics to other hobbies. (If interested that is…🤣)

  7. Sagirah AKA EVILbunny22
    Sagirah AKA EVILbunny22 says:

    See even people back in the day had a very dark humour imagine making this random dessert and you look down that looks like a baby and somehow you came up with drowned baby I thought she was going to come on here and be like Oh drowned or boiled baby is a phrase for something else Not the case it would seem that humans have a very dark sense of humour and probably will always have a very dark sense of humour


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