Momma Cherri's Ox Cheek Stew

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Momma Cherri takes out her slow cooker today to prepare you a delicious ox cheek stew in red wine. A fantastic recipe that will …

26 replies
  1. Kit Cat
    Kit Cat says:

    Love your personality and whatever dishes of yours I make and eat it’s always divine! Keep up being you and just having fun w what you love, it’s really Inspiring 😄

  2. Steam Driven Doll
    Steam Driven Doll says:

    Hi Cherri! I just saw you on a rerun of kitchen nightmares and you’re a lovely lady! I’m so glad to see you have a foodie channel here on YouTube! And I’m glad that you’re still around and didn’t get defeated! Keep it going girl!!

  3. Edye Cozort
    Edye Cozort says:

    Looks so yummy 😋. I have never had ox cheek and I’m a country girl. I’m gonna try it with the wine 🍷 and the olives. Thank you for a fun time watching y’all. ❤️👍

  4. Nekuchiwa
    Nekuchiwa says:

    Oh my star, mama Cherri you looked lovely today! thank you for the recipe! im willing to tell my family for this recipe for our family reunion. Thank you for the recipe!!


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