Miso Sesame Sauce (That Works on Every Vegetable)

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Miso Sesame Sauce (That Works on Every Vegetable) In the video, I serve this sauce on green beans, but it’s fabulous on any raw or blanched vegetables.

44 replies
  1. Katarina S.
    Katarina S. says:

    Does the vegetable that this sauce is used on have to be cooled with running water or can it be used on warm, just boiled vegetables? Is it more of a dressing than a sauce and could it therefore be used on salads? Would it work well with roasted vegetables or is it best used on boiled or steamed vegetables? If I don't have lemon on hand, would vinegar work well as a substitute for the acid in the recipe? I keep rice, AC, and red wine vinegars on hand but often don't have fresh lemon available.

  2. Tosca
    Tosca says:

    I haven't made exactly this, but there is no doubt that miso is a super ingredient. I use it in salad dressings and in soups, especially if my soup is a quick pandemic special with some tofu, edamame or beans and something green. I have asparagus, green beans and some purple broccolini sitting on my benchtop which will meet this dressing in about an hour. I have a feeling they'll become excellent long term friends. Thanks Helen, I love your non precious, but always informative approach to eating and preparing food. The secret is in the detail – follow Helen's instructions to the letter and you have a new technique under your apron belt 🙂

  3. Nyte Nyte
    Nyte Nyte says:

    Thanks for your engaging videos. I only subscribed recently but am loving your recipes already. Also, you have an amazing command of the English language and especially your intonation. I'm looking forward to more videos! 🙂

  4. joegt123
    joegt123 says:

    Canola oil is absolute garbage. Don't put that in your body. Best neutral oil would be avocado or high oleic sunflower. Or you could just use sesame oil and up the flavor.

  5. Eric C.
    Eric C. says:

    It's interesting that coming from an Asian food background, the ubiquity of browning/searing everything in western cooking seemed a bit overkill at first, but it makes sense given that a lot of Asian food tends to use very savory and slightly sweet sauces as an equivalence for at least the flavor of browning. I think lots of other western dishes could be adapted with such sauces to simplify execution, especially braised dishes where skipping a sear won't affect the texture that much. In fact, it's not common at all to brown meat for braises in most Asian cuisine.

  6. LythaStudios
    LythaStudios says:

    This recipe looks awesome! I was raised on canned vegetables, and I'm still learning how to cook fresh vegetables. I really appreciate this easy weeknight recipe!

  7. Cainula
    Cainula says:

    Hey Helen, I love your recipes and your teaching style. Is there any chance of you doing a Pastila? I figured you might know something about making them and I've never found a good recipe/technique on YouTube.

  8. ehrichweiss
    ehrichweiss says:

    I bought an immersion blender that will let you detach the blender part so it's a lot safer to clean with your fingers once you've got the motor separated from it. Some could have sharp blades but mine are just small pieces of metal so take this with a grain of salt if yours has sharp blades.

  9. Beatriz Sandoval
    Beatriz Sandoval says:

    I’m just like you Helen, I love my vegetables grilled or stir fried. I recently bought a wok and I’m obsessed with it. Please share more easy fast recipes like this for summer. I live in LA so recipes for outdoor bbq-ing are always welcome 🙏

  10. Rouverius
    Rouverius says:

    Yes! We're in Japan. And it's one of our favorite dishes in our house during summer. The sauce is great with spinach as well. Thanks for sharing this!


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