MASSIVE meal prep for effective Weightloss! 2023 / What I eat to lose weight / Daniela diaries

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mealprepforweightloss #whatieattoloseweight #mealpreponabudget #easymealstomakeathome #daniela diaries Massive meal …

28 replies
  1. Marlana Polis
    Marlana Polis says:

    Thank you for the meal plan! Love these types of videos. Idk why I always struggle with meal plans I just don’t have the mental energy I think lol. But this makes it easier thank you

  2. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    I so agree with you. Why is there cane sugar in lemon pepper? They put sugar in so much stuff. People really need to read those nutrition labels. At least its cane sugar and not high fructose corn syrup or all of the other "ose" sugars.
    That french fry gadget looks like it gives you a little resistance training. 😂 French fries are my jam. I dont have a french fry maker but I have some great knife skills. So now I am craving homemade french fries.
    I enjoy your simple meal preps. I just sat here and watched/listened while drinking my morning coffee.
    Keep up the great work Daniela! ❤

  3. Carolyn Lulinski
    Carolyn Lulinski says:

    Good morning, thank you for sharing. This is so helpful. Samples would be awesome. Its always hard to come up with menus. I wish I had an air fryer for now I just bake most things. Until next time.🎉

  4. CTS Diva
    CTS Diva says:

    The Level of deliciousness, I want it all 🤣 so helpful and nothing hard or needing 20 ingredients per meal, I love that. Yessssss please share more, as always appreciate ya. Happy Friday ♥️

  5. Rachelle Burke
    Rachelle Burke says:

    Hey there Chicky, Awesome video! This is exactly how I do it as well. I've been in a deficit for a bit and lifting weights to help show the lean muscle with no luck for months…how rude! I know muscle weighs more than fat, but come on. lol! so, 2 weeks ago I started the 16/8 fast. I end at 9pm, and start eating again at pm1. I was skeptical, but I dropped 9lbs in 2.5 weeks. I still have my coffee and LMNT electrolytes while fasting, and focus on protein and fats while in my eating phase (and snacks) Just thought I would share, weight loss journeys can be soooo frustrating and exhausting, especially when trying to gain muscle for a body recomp. God Bless!

  6. Diana P
    Diana P says:

    Not sure if you’re nondairy but I find if you add a bit of milk to your mushrooms, they don’t shrink as much.
    Also, definitely going to try the cucumber salad!


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