Mama's Meatloaf – Old Fashioned – Simple Ingredient – Southern Cooking

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34 replies
  1. @user-cl8ng1bn3n
    @user-cl8ng1bn3n says:

    I love meat loaf but rarely get to eat it unless at restaurant. I plan on trying your recipe because it looks so moist and good. One thing my mom used to make with her meatloaf was drop biscuits. I also noticed your husband is wearing CLIC eye glasses, I have several pairs laying around, I enjoy watching.

  2. @beckymatus2551
    @beckymatus2551 says:

    Hey Tammy, Ive always used the
    Meatloaf recipe I found on the back of Lipton's Onion Soup Mix. For the topping, I use ketchup, mustard & brown sugar then top with 3 to 4 pieces of bacon. My husband thinks you should hv a little bacon with every bite of Meatloaf. It is
    delicious!! Your pan would work very well to catch the bacon run off to!!

  3. @beckybrewer1431
    @beckybrewer1431 says:

    My mama had made a meatloaf one Sunday before church and as often happened there was a young family visiting so they were invited for lunch. There wasn't enough as it was so she put carrots, potatoes and onions like a roast. She baked it again with roast gravy and by the time the table was set and hands washed, lunch was ready. Homemade rolls and a couple of cans of peas and we were all stuffed.

  4. @meatwad1
    @meatwad1 says:

    I just made a meatloaf using your recipe and I'm very pleased with it. I followed your recipe to a T except for using 1 pound of ground beef, a half-pound of ground pork and a half pound of ground turkey. I used the same amounts of the other ingredients in your recipe even though I used 25% more meat. The meatloaf was still good. Also, you say to use 1 teaspoon of salt in this clip, but your website says to use 1/2 teaspoon, so I used 3/4 teaspoon of salt. The only thing I would say is that I didn't need nearly as much glaze as used in this recipe. I don't like to waste ingredients, so the next time I make it I'll use 1/2 cup of ketchup, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon (rounded) of onion powder. If that's still too much, the next time I'll use 1/4 cup of ketchup, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon (level) of onion powder.

  5. @66lwmorgan
    @66lwmorgan says:

    Ok, I was looking for a good meatloaf recipe and started searching on youtube. The first two didn't interest me, couldn't even finish watching them but then I started watching yours and got interested, 3rd times a charm. I had pretty much everything you used, even had the pan but I didn't have the Onion Soup mix or Saltine crackers but I did have Ritz crackers so I used them instead with some onion powder along with a diced up onion. I've never been a big fan of a ketchup topping either but again your's got me interested so I tried it, I did cut the amounts back a little.

    My wife had always made the best Meatloaf I've ever eaten so what I'm about to say will be in a whisper. Your recipe put her's to shame, absolutely the best and I made it myself. I used to take a hunk of hamburger, form it into the shape of a meatloaf, put a little salt and pepper on it and bake it, yeah, I know what your thinking, lol. Your recipe didn't take hardly any time to put together and it came out tasting absolutely great. I had to try it before I made a comment and so glad I did. Thank you for sharing this recipe, you just got yourself a new sub. Take care and have a safe and Merry Christmas.

  6. @jeramypompa
    @jeramypompa says:

    Ironic, I just made meatloaf last night and this is the 2nd meatloaf video I've seen today. I wish I would've seen this yesterday, my meatloaf consisted of chopped onions and sweet peppers, an egg, some plain bread crumbs and a bit of milk for moisture, all seasoned with salt and pepper and a a bit of garlic powder. Came out really good and really moist but I love to make things different ways so I thing next time I'll try it your way. I usually like to make my meatloaf in burger form, put on a bun and smothered with mashed potatoes and brown gravy, with sautéed onions and pepper and mixed of veggies; green beans, corn and carrots….


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