Make Your Home Smell Like Fall: Autumn Simmering Pot

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Music Used: Greek Sun Time (With Intro) ITEM ID: 66582698 By: tonyanthony Its All Greek ITEM ID: 84456733 By: LowNotes.

30 replies
  1. ramooy eido
    ramooy eido says:

    Wow, you are too beautiful whomever see you shall believe that God is real, and whenever I see you I am always in a dream, and when we wake up we all will realize that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real.

    I dont know how can atheists believe that such a very sexy attractive beauty queen like you came from monkeys hahaha


    There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, He said to his students do you see God?,

    the students replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God,

    then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys do you see the teachers brain?,

    then the students replied no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said then the teacher is crazy he got no brain :0)

    عن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن شك في الله، وهو يرى خلق الله

    Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how a man-man/women-can doubt in the existence of God-/Allah-although he sees His creation.

    وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن أنكر النشأة الأخرى، وهو يرى النشأة الأولى

    Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one denies the second life although he/she seen the first life-this life is actually a living proof of both the existence of its creator, as well as a clear proof that indicates that another life in heaven or hell may also be a very possible chance as well-.

    وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لعامر دار الفناء، وتارك دار البقاء Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one inhabits this transient abode-and is

    so indulged in it-but ignores the everlasting hereafter abode,

    ​one God for all of us, all the universe shows unity with diversity, there are different things different creatures and different materials but are all made of particles and atoms

    ​Even if we will assume that there will not be an atom left of you after death, you still have proven as a created being that there is a Creator,you proved the existence of God even if you do not believe in God.

    ​God initiated everything, and he redo too, and it is evident.

    ​this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire

    good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful

    So be good & do more good always for God sake and refrain from doing any evil or sin and worship only God alone who got no mother no father no son and is one not two nor three nor more always remember him and be mindful of him and worship him in the way he wants.

    One of the best good deeds a person can ever do is teaching people useful things or a useful skill 🙂

    or caring for another person an elderly parent a wife/husband or a child or an ill person, or protecting an innocent person,

    Also spreading this message and not letting it stop with you. ,

  2. Zulaika Khalid
    Zulaika Khalid says:

    I’ve done this when the house starts to smell of ginger n garlic and other dry powders.. but I used only used lemon halves and sometimes only cinnamon n cloves. But will definitely try with apple peels n other stuff. Thank you Demitra

  3. Mercourio
    Mercourio says:

    Dear Demetria, in central and Eastern Europe we would not dream of using fuel for so long so that we can have autumn smells in the house. People save the energy for cooking, cleaning and heating their home. 🇬🇧

  4. Mary Collins
    Mary Collins says:

    Lovely for any day when you're home busy at your desk, working on a project, baking, cooking esp during a rain or snow storm. I did this with oranges and spices when I lived in a historic three-story house.

  5. bird lover
    bird lover says:

    Hi Dimitra…I'm going to try this…I'm sure it will make the house smell great……..Question: Do you have a recipe for Gyro Meat?….I would love to make some.homemade Gyro….thank you….GOD bless❤💐❤


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