Make All Your Thanksgiving Sides Ahead Of Time | Holiday Cooking Tips |

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A stress-free holiday is a happy holiday and we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to do just that. Nicole shows you how to …

44 replies
  1. Allrecipes
    Allrecipes says:

    Thanks for watching! Share your tips and tricks for having a stress-free holiday this year.
    Tips for Make-Ahead Thanksgiving Side Dishes:

    In this video…
    00:00 Introduction
    00:09 How to make mashed potatoes
    01:09 How to make gravy
    01:33 How to make casserole
    02:25 How to make veggie sides
    02:55 Blanch your veggies ahead of time
    03:25 How to make cranberry sauce
    03:58 How to make pies ahead of time
    04:11 Delegate dishes to your guests
    04:21 Plan for oven space & diversify your appliances

  2. Kim Ed
    Kim Ed says:

    I am old with a bad back so standing and cooking is out! I can do some of these ideas well in advance and still enjoy the day with my family. Thanks for the tips! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. Holy Spirit Inspirations
    Holy Spirit Inspirations says:

    I make almost everything in advance. That's just how I roll. I don't like lots of dishes to wash on the day of the feast. Typically, I will make my sides the day before and keep in the fridge (without the toppings as you suggested). Pies are made before and left out if possible. Dishes and coffee cups out and ready. I like the great tip of prepping the veggies in the bags (I may even do that two days before). I also like to have communion on Thanksgiving day, so I put a special dish next to each place setting with tiny wine glasses and a piece of bread. Then as we reflect on the One we should give all our thanks too, I go around and fill the tiny glasses speaking as I do so. The kids get grape juice.

  4. Dorothy Young
    Dorothy Young says:

    Three tips:
    – a pencil and paper (or electronic device) are your best kitchen tools. Plan: grocery lists, timelines, what dishes go where and when.
    – plan for service: set the table a couple days before.
    – set out your serving dishes with utensils and place a note on each for what item uses it. This will prevent scrambling for the gravy boat or pie server on Thanksgiving.
    Bonus tip for those with children or cats: cover the set table with clean sheets; no cat paw prints in the middle of Aunt Mildred’s plate.

  5. Vivian Nichols
    Vivian Nichols says:

    I’m insane, and I love cooking all day on Thanksgiving! (I’m so crazy for Thanksgiving that I’m commenting here at the end of May 😆.) The only things I always make the day before are the pies (and I brine the turkey). But I think this year I’m finally doing homemade cranberry sauce, so I’ll do that a day or two before and chill it. 😁

  6. Ryan Snustad
    Ryan Snustad says:

    Chicken or ham bullion base is key to any gravy for turkey day. Purists might like flour, but cornstarch may be better. As a thickening agent it reconstitutes faster but requires more water, butter, and stirring. Planning on using drippings still requires seasonings, such as salt and pepper. Milk is also an acceptable additive to an extremely rich gravy.
    To recap… Start the turkey early, 6-8 am. In oven, constantly maintain water content, while buttering the bird up. The drippings become stock for gravy, yes, but for mashed potatoes, the water/drippings are solid gold. Don't throw any parts away.

  7. John Cipriano
    John Cipriano says:

    No one I know has time to make a fresh pie on the day of thanksgiving, this is the stupidest time saving tip Video so far , as far as vegetables your best friend is the microwave, but making wallpaper glue from overworked mashed potatoes is just not right, simple potatoes in any form is just fine for dinner.


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