Made KETO BREAD with 2 ingredients

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28 replies
  1. KAT Young
    KAT Young says:

    How about skipping the egg white powder and just adding whipped egg whites? Would that make a difference? I wonder 🤔 if it'd come out more like cloud bread then.

  2. Brenda Shope
    Brenda Shope says:

    The only bread that I have found to be good is the cloud bread that Sugarfree Mom makes. It is waaay more ingredients than this! Also I love “cottage cheese is the new Greek yogurt” 😂

  3. Mr. Night
    Mr. Night says:

    I love people denouncing all the "two ingredient" crap, some is good, but most is bad; this is a great example of a bad one. Look how it deflated literally a minute after you took it out of the pan. In a couple hours, it's gonna be a log. At that point, what do you do with it? The only way i can think of using it, is in a low carb sandwich. But at that point, just use lettuce or some low carb bread. It exists people.

  4. Connie Reeves
    Connie Reeves says:

    Egg white powder is very expensive and you end up with bread that has no flavor and has the texture of a magic eraser. Hard pass! But thanks for taking one for the team. 😊

  5. TinaB82
    TinaB82 says:

    I went to do this and accidentally didn’t fold but instead blended it…. It lost all the volume so I added a tbsp of vanilla, 1 cup of allulose and about a tsp of baking powder…. Blended it some more and it was almost like a baked custard!!!!


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