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41 replies
  1. Rachel’s Advice
    Rachel’s Advice says:

    I like to take vitamins everyday to keep my immune up and keep me healthy especially while working with kids. I take Vitamin B12, C, and D. ❤ I’m glad you can take your kids to the gym with you so you can get your workout in. I used to make smoothies using protein powder all of the time but I haven’t done it in a while. I haven’t had any kids yet but this video will come in handy after I have my first in the next couple of years. My mom said that it gets harder with each kid with the weight gain. I was her 4th and she hasn’t been able to lose all of the weight still and I am about to be 24 next month.

  2. Sarah G
    Sarah G says:

    You are doing amazing ❤️ I am 36 and I started my journey 8 months ago. I have lost 50lbs so far with a high protein diet and exercise/resistance training. I never thought I would be able to do it but I am so so happy and proud of myself. Losing weight is so so hard and takes so much commitment, willpower and perseverance. Anyone who has done this journey has my up most respect and admiration as I know how hard it is.

    I have a few pounds to get to my goal and these last few are just not coming off!!! 😂 I will persevere and keep going as I know it will eventually. Here's to being happy, healthier and stronger mama's. So very proud of you too xx

  3. Yangie Mouie
    Yangie Mouie says:

    Totally agree with your comment about how much harder it is to lose weight with each subsequent pregnant. I just have my 4th child at the age of 38, and my body is definitely holding onto this extra weight waaay more than it did when I had my other 3 kids while in my 20’s.

  4. Lindsey Rhynes
    Lindsey Rhynes says:

    This is great advice! I need to lose a few lbs, but I try to not be so hard on myself, much like you are doing. Also, can I say how much I LOVE Vera? She is such a Mama's girl, and I love how she loves to help you do everything.

  5. Yeetasaurus
    Yeetasaurus says:

    I'm 47. Had my third at 37 and struggled badly, losing weight. I am gaining 10 lbs now every year. Ugh.
    Thanks for talking about this.
    I gained a lot during my three pregnancies.
    You will lose weight at 28. Over 40, it's really hard!!

  6. Teddy Bear
    Teddy Bear says:

    I lost my extra weight doing weight watchers. There is a Facebook group where people share recipes that helped me a lot. I carried my baby weight for 11 years before finally doing something about it 😅

  7. Branbrina
    Branbrina says:

    I saw on a different video the other day that you can put heavy cream in your coffee and it doesn't break your fast. I don't know if it's true but if so that's better than black coffee for me.🤷🏼‍♀️

  8. MB Wilson
    MB Wilson says:

    You are beautiful.
    I have to avoid high carb/sugars/and seed oils for my autoimmune disease. It basically ends up being a diet of keto/paleo. A secondary benefit has been my body finding its natural "sweet spot" weight that it's comfortable at. No counting calories or starving myself. A high fat, moderate protein diet is very satisfying.

  9. Sarah P
    Sarah P says:

    Watching your video, I just got so excited to know we are the same age!! Loved this video and definitely got some good tips out of it. Also, I just find your videos so relatable.

  10. Tracy Phillips
    Tracy Phillips says:

    I think you look great. Slow and steady wins the race. I've started eating high protein. I now have an intolerance to gluten, so now gluten-free. I also have taken out intentional sugar, but eat like mayonnaise and things like that with sugar in them. I'm also hypothyroid so my weight loss is slow but is coming off. Keep up doing what works for you and you'll get there. Glad that you are proud of how far you've gotten. You are an inspiration to others. Hoping you meet your goals on your weight loss journey 😊❤

  11. Lianys Hernández
    Lianys Hernández says:

    Having a healthy relationship with food it’s more important! Keep going you are doing great! ❤ Very restrictive diets are not good, are really hard to follow and they put unnecessary pressure. 3 months postpartum here, thanks for sharing.

  12. Tarryn Pitts
    Tarryn Pitts says:

    I gained the most weight with my last pregnancy so I did intermittent fasting, protein with every snack and meal, and I would eat whatever I'd make the family for dinner but I'd always add a bowl of spring mix with my favorite dressing. That way I'd fill up on something super good but I'd also feel a little more satiated. Helped me lose all the extra weight I gained and I felt so good! My skin improved as well drastically, maybe it was the eating greens at every meal part. I did the same approach and it is sooo manageable and realistic for busy everyday living.
    Loved this video!

  13. Alisha Jennings
    Alisha Jennings says:

    I love hearing you talk about how you're loosing weight. It is actually extremely similar to what I've been doing. I am 33 and had my 7th child last year. Losing weight definitely becomes more difficult as you get older. I find I'm more active chasing around 7 kids but that alone doesn't make the weight fall off like it did when I was in my 20s. In my 20s I didn't have to try to lose weight… it just disappeared on its own.

    I also love the coffee flavored premier protein shake. I have 1 for breakfast everyday. I usually intermittent fast but I have my eating window from 9 to 5. I also try to focus on protien and no sugar but I eat the same dinner as my family.

    I gained 25 pounds with my last pregnancy and she is 1.5 and I'm just now to my prepregnancy weight. It was very slow coming off this time but it did come off so that's good. I probably could've been more aggressive with it and had it happen sooner. But I know it will stay off this way and I'm happy with that. It took a while though.

  14. Jennifer E
    Jennifer E says:

    Vitamix is the bomb! So, my mum and I both have one, my mum bought hers when vitamix was a new thing (we are talking 6 or so years ago). Last year, her blade came off. She called vitamix and they replaced the part for free! Their customer service is the best

  15. Sharda LaSala
    Sharda LaSala says:

    I follow the exact same diet plan lol…exact…I've learned after six children that specific diets are not only a hassle but hard on my body…even though we are not laying around we are still constantly moving so our mom bodies really need the calories but the problem is we stuff empty calories like kid snacks lol😂…. So I made a list of protein options and stick it on fridge…the options all add up to 125g of protein and all the carb options add up to 30g carb each….so if i look at the fridge in the morning i just choose an option of protein and add a serving of the carb and done!! For snack I choose another option until I've used all the proteins on the list for the day so I know I've gotten 125g protein without having to wonder or count a thing…then I lift 3 days a week since my muscles don't recover very fast unless I take supplement which I don't feel like doing ATM.

  16. Claudia M
    Claudia M says:

    I'm still trying to lose the baby weight…..and he's now 31 😱🤣!! My downfall is coffee with creamer, and I just cannot stand the sugar free ones. At least I top it with keto whipped cream.
    I agree with you about the Vitamix. We had a Nutri Ninja Rx before this one we bought last year. No comparison. Vitamix is the bomb!!!
    When I watched your last grocery haul video you could see the huge weight loss. 👍👍👍👍👍

  17. CrazyCats28
    CrazyCats28 says:

    I recently lost 20lbs. I did weight watchers a few years ago so I eat kind of what I did on that. Eggs for breakfast, chicken on a salad with chick peas for lunch and then I eat dinner with my family and just watch my portions. It works for me because my breakfast and lunch are almost 0 points so I use my 20+ points for my dinner and can almost eat anything.

  18. It’s preppy girl
    It’s preppy girl says:

    The only way I lost weight after baby number 4 was a keto diet with intermittent fasting..and a clean keto not what some call”dirty” keto with a lot of processed food..I lost 20 pounds in 2 months..but didn’t make that my lifestyle just did for a short period of time for help with weight loss but also inflammation

  19. Robin O
    Robin O says:

    Muscle isn't heavier than fat (1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat). You'll look better when you replace fat with muscle, though. I'm glad your clothes have been fitting better! Great job.


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