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44 replies
  1. Donna Medley
    Donna Medley says:

    Remember, the government in many of the countries where the people come from are crooked and so evil. Money that has been sent to them has ended up in the government coffers and stolen by the tyrants. Remember all the gold in the Iraqui

  2. maria juana
    maria juana says:

    In the Native American communities and in Canada they have performed hysterectomy on many many women for generations now.
    I believe in Puerto Rico is where they started the birth control studies..
    It's all Genocide type population control..

  3. Vicki Vale
    Vicki Vale says:

    Hi Ana, love your videos. I'm not able to comment on the live streams yet. I really enjoy them and your content is always real. You make my day, having some tough times and you make me smile 😊

  4. maria juana
    maria juana says:

    #2 …
    When you said America has put herself on the corner and sold herself out, she done put on her Red light..
    5 to 7 thousand per United State citizen…

  5. maria juana
    maria juana says:

    I know they are growing food on the moon.
    Potato plants I think..
    I giggled when the Baby put his little drawing behind you.
    That was the best slow motion photo Bomb ever.

  6. Nancy Baker
    Nancy Baker says:

    I love my country, but it is NOT the greatest. We rank thirty-something in healthcare and education and other important human necessities, so how does that make us the greatest? We have a lot of work to do to be the greatest.

  7. Nancy Baker
    Nancy Baker says:

    I agree with most of what you say. The people at the top usually don’t care about those ‘beneath’ them. They just want to profit off of them. Slavery is alive and well. It just has morphed into the haves and the have-nots. All the way back to the cavemen, power and money corrupts. Wealthy people just ignore the poor and needy, because it doesn’t touch them, and they look the other way. They are living the good life, and to hell with everyone else. What sad, sorry people can be like that—to have so little concern for other human beings and their suffering.

  8. Lottie Faith
    Lottie Faith says:

    Ana, I agree with so much of what you are saying almost everything, we're in bad bad shape right now. You took the words right out of my heart about our leaders being puppets, it doesn't matter who they are…

  9. Heather Clarke
    Heather Clarke says:

    I like your ideas. I also think that it would be important to teach anyone coming into our country about our history…. The constitution, the bill of rights, the pledge of allegiance, etc. I am sure they would be the most amazing citizens with that education.

  10. Heather Clarke
    Heather Clarke says:

    I feel ya girl! Okay he human trafficking makes my heart hurt. I wish our legal immigration functioned more quickly and didn’t cost so much so we could have a better way to make sure these people are treated safely. I’ve been hearing that the drug cartels are trafficking people over to work on drug production in the states. If they try to escape they kill them. It’s horrifying.

  11. Boo Henry
    Boo Henry says:

    I am totally impressed with your expanded knowledge on so many situations going on at this time and in the past. You said it well at what we are being faced with, and how little control we have. People need to have their eyes open now, and I admire anyone that has the guts to get it out there and do their best to help other people. We are all in the same boat no matter where we live. Thank you for this video.

  12. Heather Clarke
    Heather Clarke says:

    Thank you, thank you, for saying this. Will you pray for me please because my husband doesn’t believe me and it’s tough on a marriage. We are Christians and I’m trying to get him to understand that Noah, Joseph, and others in the Bible prepped.


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