Lifestyle, Recovery ,Training Volume & GAINS!

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19 replies
  1. Kaiser Soze
    Kaiser Soze says:

    This is such an interesting and underrated topic. In your opinion, is 10 weekly sets generally a safe volume for someone that has sub par recovery, or are there from your experience people that might need to go as low 5-6 sets? Let's assume we're talking about an intermediate trainee that trains at a RPE of 9 and sleeps 6 hours per night while living a stressful lifestyle, would 10 be safe for this person on average? Or is there even a likely chance he won't grow due to needing a higher MEV as an intermediate? I honestly think volume is one of the most confusing things about training so I'd love to hear your opinion.

  2. Adam Colman
    Adam Colman says:

    Coach, I will also add you said many times that people who truly strength train are harder to hurt and kill, fell down the stairs earlier today as one of my kids left a hot water bottle on the stairs
    The amount of muscle I’ve built up on my posterior chain lately has ended up leaving me with barely a bruise or a scratch as I bounced down the stairs on my upper back lower back and back side and literally the only thing I heard was my finger and it’s barely damaged
    Anecdotally proven

  3. Adam Colman
    Adam Colman says:

    I was medically retired from work nearly 18 months ago I’ve noticed since then my training volume frequency and intensity as shot through the roof
    I’ve gained a shit load of strength as well as a moderate amount of size
    I sleep better at my own convenience most days
    But whenever day today stress hits for example currently going through a house move with our first property by from rental it goes back down but sleep nutrition and lack of work means it’s still not as bad as when I was running eight full time job alongside running a house and a family of seven
    Work, if done properly requires a lot of concentration energy and mental focus and regardless of how you feel at the end of the day you are still stressed from a full time job
    Anecdotally this just highlights exactly how much sleep, stress, nutrition, family life affect your training

  4. k
    k says:

    I have a question I started your novice program and did day 1(A) then I rested and on day 2(B) I feel sore so should I still workout or rest another day and a question in general if I should work the muscle even if it's sore

  5. Masters Ironman TArmstrong
    Masters Ironman TArmstrong says:

    I think I am someone who requires less sleep than others.

    I dont think I could sleep 8 hours every night if my life depended on it.

    I am also a habitual very early riser.

    I often awake fully rested and alert with no alarm around 330 or 4 and in addition to training I work about 60 hours per week at a somewhat active physical job.

    I never really feel tired during the day unless my legs or something have fatigue from lower body training.

    I am 54 too so I am really thankful for all the energy I seem to have.

    I do often sleep before 10 and I have heard the quality of your sleep before midnight is like 1 hr equals 2 after midnight.

    I started training in high school and worked out real hard but usually only slept 5-6 hours per night.

    It stressed me out at first thinking it would hurt my progress when I didnt sleep so much but it never seemed to make any difference so I stopped stressing it.

    I did a 410 touch and go bench press in 1985 before graduating too and I dont really think I would have done much different if I slept more.

  6. Romain B
    Romain B says:

    Hey Jason, on the sumo deadlift I feel I'm less explosive when I try to pull the slack out of the bar in my hamstrings compared to just putting my hips into position and pulling (videos on my channel). What do you think is best to do ? May be I'm pulling the slack wrong

  7. underdog 22
    underdog 22 says:

    Up to how much extra daily protein do you think would be beneficial for recovery? I’ve always felt better and slightly more recovered when I consumed about 1.25 to 1.5 grams per pound of body weight but I never knew whether there was any actual benefit to doing that or if it was just a placebo effect beyond the “1 gram per pound of body weight”.

  8. George Argyropoulos
    George Argyropoulos says:

    Alex Bromley nailed it when he said 'what's the optimal volume?' Is the wrong question. Volume needs to be in the context of recovery capacity, and when you turn the volume knob on your program, the intensity and frequency knobs inevitably have to turn too


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