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Today I wanted to share a little life update and let you all in on something that are going on in our life! Ive had quite a few questions about these topics I’m talking …

25 replies
  1. Emma G
    Emma G says:

    Hey Kerry, thanks for this video, I’m not normally one for a chatty video but your honesty and transparency really sucked me in 😄 Really enjoyed hearing your opinions and plans. I’m so sorry Jamie is having a hard time, I really worry how lockdown will affect our kiddies. My 7 year old has really really struggled. He’s developed a fear of going upstairs and he’s become really emotional, so I look forward to him going back to school to see his friends and have the routine back. My little girl is now 10 months old and I have no idea how she’ll view the actual world when things get back to a bit of normality 😄 She’s only really seen the window cleaner 😂
    Looking forward to seeing all the house plans take shape! Xx

  2. Lisa Cooper
    Lisa Cooper says:

    Great blog Kerry, My son is 10 like Rory in year 6, does Rory complain about pains in his chest or looking on the internet to see what he has wrong with him? It,s quite worrying. All the best with your house, going to lovely when its finished. I'm a teacher assistant and going back on the 8th makes me anxious as no vaccine for us yet. I'm also in the 50 bracket so no vaccine till April. Do you feel anxious about the boys returning to school??? xx

  3. Mel Jacobs
    Mel Jacobs says:

    We have just booked a holiday om Norfolk Broads too. Never done this before and looking forward to it. Thanks for chatty video, im sure jamie will feel better in his own time, my daughter is very similar snd i was walking her and meeting her from school until she was 13, but all if the sudden she became independant. I dont think they shouldnt be rushed and will do things in their own time. X

  4. Natalie Farr
    Natalie Farr says:

    Hi Kerry. Does Chris do anything in addition to football? Such as a business venture ? Can't wait for the renovations 😁 My niece is the same wont be with anyone but her Mum and she has a childcare bubble with my parents but asking for her Mummy all the time. xx

  5. Tracy Batten
    Tracy Batten says:

    Can’t wait to see the renovation, I’m starting a renovation with similar budget too so found the numbers interesting. I’m thinking about starting an Instagram page to document it. Never done a big renovation before and it’s our forever home so would be good to have something to look back on. Xx

  6. shueysmissus
    shueysmissus says:

    I was like you about the Vaccine. But I did a huge amount of research and the really important thing I learnt was that this vaccine was only developed quickly because it had so many working on it and because of the huge amount of funding poured into it, they could run all the trials simultaneously. No corners were cut, it was just a huge effort unlike any other seen before. As for Jamie, I have a 7 year old daughter going through the same, shes clingy, worried about things and generally seems to have lost her confidence. I am trying to be firm but fair, reassuring but keep to her routines and I've also bought her a few books from Amazon designed for children who worry. I absolutely LOVE Rory's response to your attempt at a deep and meaningful! Hunger is a pretty strong feeling in these young boys 😂😂 House plans sound great, we've just had a new kitchen and bathroom and that was stressful enough, so you are brave to take on so much! But I am sure it will be so worth it! You are coming to the Norfolk Broads, I live in Norfolk and the broads are beautiful, you will love it xx

  7. Christine Jenkins
    Christine Jenkins says:

    I think it's great that you've been very open and honest about your finances. A few years ago we brought a house that needs a lot of work and totally underestimated how much the renovations would costs. It's so expensive. Your plans sound amazing, I am looking forward to following your journey. I hope you get approached by some brands.
    Sorry to hear Jamie is struggling, my son is going through the same, I hate what this is doing to our kids. Give him those extra hugs and sing him sleep. I hope he starts to feel better soon x

  8. P Clogs
    P Clogs says:

    I love how frank and open you are about money. It’s so refreshing. I’ve never understood why us brits are funny when it comes to talking about money.

  9. Chandanee Mistry
    Chandanee Mistry says:

    I'm a geneticist and studied vaccines for the past 5 years. This vaccine wasn't made in a year for those who are sceptical, it was based off of the last 100 years of vaccine research and successful vaccines already given to the public as well as being rigourously clinically tested. I've also gotten the vaccine and I'm absolutely fine, i understand we're all allowed an opinion but please trust in the science.

  10. Agata B
    Agata B says:

    Try the Unworry book. I got it for my daughter with first lockdown. It helps with her anxiety a lot. She is 8.5

    She asks me to sleep with her almost every night.

  11. Chris Roylance
    Chris Roylance says:

    I’m clinically extremely vulnerable, I’ve been shielding since March 2020, I haven’t seen my eldest son and his family since December 2019, and haven’t see much of my younger son and his family or my new granddaughter whose now 1 and walking. I’ve had my first vaccination, can’t wait for my second and then being able to see my family again.

  12. Abby Ducksbury
    Abby Ducksbury says:

    Great video Kerry. I had separation anxiety when I was a child, probably about Jamie’s age, triggered by my Mum having a bad fall. A remember clearly what it felt like, and it was made worse by my Dad not being very understanding. It’s important not to dismiss his feelings as silly, he may feel very genuine fear about being away from you but I really think talking about it openly, making him realise that what he feels is ok, normal, won’t last forever etc can help. I missed my year 5 trip away because of it and had to be collected from many sleepovers. I reluctantly went on my year 6 trip and had a few tears and nights of feeling sick but also really enjoyed myself and the separation anxiety went after that. Good luck x

  13. Hazel Hammond
    Hazel Hammond says:

    My husband and I are both in our 70's and we both have some health problems. we got our first shot last week. and we're due to get our second one march. 16th. great video. great excitement about the house. sorry about Chris's job. I did say something one time about how much you touch your face. I'm glad you listen to your Mom.

  14. Jenna Brennan
    Jenna Brennan says:

    The house plan sound amazing (as if ppl actually asked how you’ll find it, that baffles me!) poor Jamie, at least he has amazing parents! Love your honesty Kerry, keep doing you, you’re fab 🧡

  15. Ros Linney
    Ros Linney says:

    Thank you for talking about to vaccine. I will definitely be having it. We have to think of others. I hope Jamie will feel better. As soon as things get back to normal I’m sure he will be fine x

  16. Christine James
    Christine James says:

    I can't believe people are asking you how you're funding your renovations! lol Like, what? You're a grown woman who can do whatever you want with your money and you don't have to explain that to ANYONE…. seriously, that question boggles my mind!! You're a gem for answering it though. I just wanted to throw my two cents out. I am so glad to see another video from you, it's always a pleasure to see your smiling face! ♥

  17. denise dick
    denise dick says:

    Lovely catch up thank you. I sure Jamie will be fine and just needs the extra reassurance. I think we forget kids hear what going on apart from how lockdown is affecting him, he will be hearing about people being ill and everything I find it scary, and would love a mummy cuddle and I am 58. I know you will be protecting him as far as you can from the news but they still get to hear things.


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