Lettuce Soup in the Instant Pot – not just for salad

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Having so much lettuce in the garden and not being in the mood for a salad, I was looking for what I could make, and soup was …

7 replies
  1. T Bee
    T Bee says:

    P.S. it would be tasty with some crumbled bacon. Also, I make soup with all of my radish tops and carrot tops. And I use them for pesto as well

  2. Abbie C
    Abbie C says:

    I’ve been making lettuce soup for years and always get people going ‘why ew isnt it horrible?’ No its not and a great way to use up a head of lettuce too wilty for salads. This is the recipe I use 4-6 cloves of garlic, 1 onion chopped, 1 lettuce or a mix of including the heart, 1 cup frozen peas, bunch of spring onions, handful of mint leaves, 1 potato peeled and chopped and 1 litre of stock. Fry onion and garlic- add the potato, spring onions and stock and cook until potato is done. Add peas, lettuce and mint and cook for a further 10 mins and then blend – can be served hot or cold and if you want add some sour cream to garnish

  3. jeannie mullinder
    jeannie mullinder says:

    I've made lettuce soup in the past. It was so quick in the instant pot though. I would love one of those but I already have a slow cooker, air fryer, dehydrator and pressure cooker so can't really justify buying an IP. Looking forward to more recipes. Thank you.

  4. Gayle Kanak
    Gayle Kanak says:

    That looks like a really good soup. I have made lettuce soup without the potatoes. It is very light. You can cook lettuce just like spinach or other greens and freeze them (similar to a video you did earlier). It freezes well to be used in cooked recipes for greens. Also you can use lettuce cups (big leaves) instead of bread for sandwiches. I use them with a little mayo, sliced ham and cheese and onion, etc. You can use whatever cold filling you like. Or you can make kind of like an eggroll or small borrito and use lettuce leaves are the outside. I think it might be good with one of your leftover curries of dahls and maybe some rice as the filling. Take care, great channel!!!


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