Let’s Make Vegan Donuts! | Plant-Based Donut Shop Visit

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Join Jeremy, your favorite plant-based food enthusiast, on an exciting and mouthwatering journey to Lady Glaze Donuts, where …

9 replies
  1. Lori Lee Harrison
    Lori Lee Harrison says:

    What a great idea! Now could we make the donuts by baking rather than frying in oil. Healthy Vegan Mama has a great vegan chocolate donut recipe! Delicious! Thanks for this fun video.

  2. Chet
    Chet says:

    This was a lot of fun, I enjoyed learning about the donuts and if I were local, I'd be frequenting to support their business model! My favorite donut is a vegan maple bar from Voodoo donuts in Portland Oregon. Also, I've been watching a lot of your content lately and appreciate the work you've done. I am inspired to cook more creative dishes!

  3. Amy Jacob
    Amy Jacob says:

    I love custard filled donuts with chocolate glaze. Those PB with J donuts looked awesome too! Love these behind the scenes videos of how things are made!

  4. CK Veggie
    CK Veggie says:

    As a baker, it brought back memories of when I learned how to make yeast donuts many, many years ago when I went to college in Ottawa to learn all the baking techniques. When we were done baking for the day, we would sell the goodies to the students. Now that I eat wfpbno, I prefer your cookbook reviews and your what I eat in a day videos but will watch all your videos as they are fun to view. Love your channel.


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