Lemon Pepper Chicken Breast Recipe

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Our lemon pepper chicken breast recipe is light and flavorful. The perfect excuse to cook your ButcherBox chicken breasts for a midweek meal! Check out the full …

48 replies
  1. Rasputan Rasputan
    Rasputan Rasputan says:

    Wow..glad I watched your video…. I followed your recipe except the 🍋 lemon. Did not have any on hand…I grated a small onion instead. Delicious.
    Wonder if this would work on turkey breasts. My significant other doesn’t like chicken….

  2. Positive Infinity
    Positive Infinity says:

    1:32. I normally use the standard procedure on my chicken and only take it out of the package after I’m done cooking it and Pad it dry after I digest…Amazing love this secret step I’m using it for sure not even kidding

  3. P Smith
    P Smith says:

    Referring to temperature: He says.. "Will you look at that". Ok…WHAT TEMPERATURE IS IT THAT I'M LOOKING AT???? We can't read that thermometer so how about telling us what the temp is.

  4. Khadija Najmi
    Khadija Najmi says:

    Omg I don’t have the iron skillet so I transferred my sauce and seared chicken to a glass oven dish and turned up the heat to 350 degrees F and this was the best chicken breast I have ever had!!! Thank you!!!

  5. Brandon Norvell
    Brandon Norvell says:

    I wanted to try this but I didn't have chicken stock and I was trying to avoid going to the store so I used some orange juice instead as it would obviously fit with the citrus theme. I also added a sprig of rosemary to the pan while it baked. This turned out so delicious, this recipe will definitely be a favorite from now on. I plan to try it with chicken stock next time to see what your version is like, and then from there experiment with other liquids and spices. Thank you for the inspiration 🙏

  6. Catalina Rodriguez
    Catalina Rodriguez says:

    I tried this recipient and it was so simple & delicious! I didn’t even want to share it. 🤤 What is the point of putting it in the oven to finish cooking instead of cooking it fully in the pan on low?
    Thank you 🙌

  7. Buzz Ledoux
    Buzz Ledoux says:

    Hey The video you say 325 on the recipe card you have 375 in the oven you better fix that buddy now because that’s a total lie you’re gonna make somebody screw their chicken up

  8. D K
    D K says:

    Why waste all that water defrosting?.just leave it out on the shelf covered over over night…Voila! defrosted chicken without wasting all that water!!

  9. jo bond
    jo bond says:

    So if cooked my breast you way I would add necks just to enhance chicken flavour. Don’t know what you think of that rest them for 5 minutes or until cool slice very thinly and use in chicken salad sandwich what do you think. The sauce I would keep as stock


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