Leftovers Made into Beef Stew

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http://www.southernfrugal.com $3.33 chuck roast turned into beef stew for yet another meal. Next video will be soup made from the same roast.

9 replies
  1. Janette Sinclair
    Janette Sinclair says:

    Hello. I love watching you cook, and you have so many useful tips like using scissors to cut fat out of meat. I do this too with my kitchen scissors as I don't like any fat. That stew looked delicious and a good way to use leftovers, even the vegetables.

  2. Sunny Smile
    Sunny Smile says:

    Now, 5 years since you made this video, they've discovered that animal fat is not as bad for you as once thought. There is a lot of research been done on it. Sugar is found to be the real problem. Frankly, it seems like everything is bad for us at one point or another! Thanks for the ideas on stretching meat even further. I hadn't thought about boiling all the scraps to make stock, but I sure will now!


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