Laura Vitale’s Summer Flatbread

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To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website:

42 replies
  1. W M
    W M says:

    Hello from Scotland Laura, NEW SUBSCRIBER!!
    So true, your food is amazing. THANK YOU!!
    Cheers 🏴󠁧󠁒󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  2. Timinator
    Timinator says:

    Looks AWESOME, I hate Arugula, I'd opt for Basil or Spinach, perhaps even toss on some Pomegranate seeds… this is very stimulating for those of us that really like to push the envelope in cooking.

  3. dicknodnfs
    dicknodnfs says:

    I cannot thank you enough for your work educating people on the subtle techniques that simplify the over all process delivering the most flavor with minimal work and with options. How can you beat that?

  4. Frank Barone
    Frank Barone says:

    I had my lower front teeth pulled last week. Watching you bite into that flatbread almost made me cry. I can't wait to get my partial next month,.. I'll be on that flatbread like white on rice girl. 🌹


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