KOSHER Kitchen Tour 2021 | Orthodox Jewish Mom (Jar of Fireflies)

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This video is a tour of my kosher kitchen! As an Orthodox Jew, keeping kosher is an important part of my religious observance and my daily life. In this video we …

23 replies
  1. tracy becker
    tracy becker says:

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on being Orthodox and having family with diabetes. I've heard some really mean opinions before. You are thorough and kind I bet you'd shut down the haters right away

  2. Laurenția Costin
    Laurenția Costin says:

    Your fridge is a large one or not? Like two doors or just one (in one part) I ask cs ik a two doors one might be easier to make kosher and keep in kosher especially if you have lots of products but also I'm pretty sure is more expensive than a simple one, cs it has two doors… also your fridge has shabat mode or not? And if not u use a tap for the lights on shabat? (like to hide them) ofc a fridge with a shabat mode is the most expensive from the 3 kinds and ig you can't find them like anywhere.

  3. LadyWeasel
    LadyWeasel says:

    Smoked brisket tacos!! I use double corn tortillas and fill them with fatty smoked brisket, avocado, onion, cilantro, lime, cojita cheese, and a chili sauce from a bottle. I'm sure there's probably a vegan version of cojita cheese.

  4. creamy jalapeño
    creamy jalapeño says:

    Are fish considered meat? What about eggs? Was wondering how baking works if you needed both eggs and dairy. My husband became allergic to milk a few years ago so I've had to find a few alternatives. I'm pretty sure there is no good substitute for cheese. 😂

    My son and I love cheese. I would find it difficult to eat some tacos without cheese or sour cream.

  5. mcomeslast
    mcomeslast says:

    Love it! I have been de prioritizing parve and dairy items because it isn’t what I usually eat. The community I just left preferred meat and meat designated desserts. I also can and have a pressure canner for meat, parve and dairy. I thought I would only need one but if I had veggies canned, I couldn’t use them for a dairy meal. I found a couple dairy canning recipes that I’m interested in trying and am going to give it a go. I have an extra fridge and freezer. The fridge wasn’t for kosher reasons. The rental I just left didn’t have one. The landlord didn’t want to buy mine when I left but I was under the impression she was hoping I didn’t take it, lol. The freezer is a huge help. I buy from kosher coops and sometimes to get a good price I order in bulk.

  6. aidel e
    aidel e says:

    I love how you're so organized and get rid of things often, something that does not come naturally to me 😬. Love the bloopers in the end too😄❤️

  7. Flower Power
    Flower Power says:

    Hi from England chana i found this video so interesting being a non Jew it was interesting to hear what you have and have to do to keep kosher , thanks so much for this video. In answer to your question what do you love about your kitchen? I love my baking cupboard with everything from cupcakes cases to de orating stuff. 😀

  8. Michelle Sunshinestar
    Michelle Sunshinestar says:

    I'll share you my favorite taco recipe. 2 cans of kidney beans drained. Put them in a skillet with BBQ sauce and sweet chili sauce, and half a pack of taco seasoning. Stir, simmer for five minutes. You can literally put whatever you want on these things, and it's vegetarian. I like those cans of nacho cheese sauce (Campbell's?). I got this recipe from a YouTubers, search 5 minute secret burrito recipe or something. I was going to make them this week, I guess next week? I have corn for dinner tonight, fresh corn.

  9. Michelle Sunshinestar
    Michelle Sunshinestar says:

    What kind of water filter do you use? Is it by chance a Berky? I think my mom has a Berky? I just buy Spring water by the Gallon, and I buy bottled water too. Yeah, city water here is not the greatest. Sorry for a lot of comments. I don't really like anything about my kitchen. But my dad finally bought me a canister thing for like spatulas and other gadgets.

  10. Ice Eyes
    Ice Eyes says:

    I loved hearing and seeing the different things you use! Your kitchen is beautiful as well! I do have a question, was there ever a time someone, maybe a child or someone who wasn't familiar with the Jewish faith, ever mix up the utensils and or dinnerware? If so, what do you do to that item? Do you have to get rid of it or can you just clean it? It is fascinating to hear you speak about Judaism!
    I always enjoy your videos! Much love to you!


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