Klansman Don Bulbie Feared Humphrey And The Renegade Gang More Than Bunman And One Order

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49 replies
  1. Godfrey Jones
    Godfrey Jones says:

    How can you as a politicians, talking about disarm the gangs them ,when it's the gangs them are the Jamaican politicians them right hand, this prime minister are not living in Jamaica, which planet are this man from, are which planet this prime minister, live on ,am sure that this man is not real,

  2. Godfrey Jones
    Godfrey Jones says:

    With the burning down of places ,this just to show how ignorant on illiterate ghetto people are, on uneducated ghetto people them, its likes someone who just don't know what is wrong from what is right,

  3. Godfrey Jones
    Godfrey Jones says:

    These are the kind of politicians them that are in powers in Jamaica, no wonder Jamaica is what its today, all the politicians them in Jamaica are nothing but a scum, not fit for purpose politicians them, should not been in powers, these are the dirty filth politicians them that ,mash up Jamaica on.let Jamaica become what its today, because as long as these kinds of people who are in authority in Jamaica, then Jamaica will be doom forever and doomed means doomed,

  4. Real Macoy Original
    Real Macoy Original says:

    There's no honor among thieves!
    I see Jamaica as a big circus! Where being clowns or even pretending to be clowns gives you much attention and adoration.

  5. rip queen Elizabeth
    rip queen Elizabeth says:

    I remember the sci-fi video clearly. The names of the same ppl were mentioned. Humfrey, cracker, city puss n couple others. They were mentioned in the same acidic order in terms of their function as in this video. Like i said, ur dots always connect and ur info is credible. Big up yu self mi boss…

  6. Janice Morris
    Janice Morris says:

    I often wonder how these politicians who started all this mess in the late seventies live with themselves because everyone knows how this gun killing started in Jamaica with these politicians and we know who started it which party started it and the other one had to fall in line to save his group. I hope They learn from this that there r consequences for all the crap we do. There were in the action of forming Garrison's which resulted in extortion and killing of innocent people and now we're reaping the whirlwind because when the politicians could no longer give them the scraps from their table they turned to scamming and other illegal acts. So I will say to the politicians now think of what legacy you are leaving in the next 10- 20 years. criminality can end If we weed out the criminal politicians and you all know who you are so take a grip off yourself and let's get rid of these criminal politicians in Jamaica. I often think how the Prime Minister constituency and Tivoli garden both ciaga and Holness areas have remained in poverty all these years. why is that so ? the reason is they can keep them in poverty and keep giving them some gifts during elections and Christmas and have them do the dirty work so they can get back in power. this needs to stop. How about getting them out of poverty by education?

  7. al zal
    al zal says:

    Such a pitiful person, let me gain fame and a few shillings over the DEATHS of my fellow country folk. My mommy says I was never loved.

    See I can do that pathetic throw wud thing as well.


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