Kitchen Remodel TOUR! Organizing and Decorating Ideas For A Brighter Space!

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In this video, I take you on my kitchen remodel tour, showing how I organized and decorated my new kitchen. There is so much …

49 replies
  1. Leticia Worboys
    Leticia Worboys says:

    It looks amazing!!! I love that picture window and sink!!! I need to do my kitchen one day. Currently my husband has been busy in our basement building a small kitchen for my son.
    I'll have to see hiw he does before I hire him to redo ours 😂

  2. julie bateman
    julie bateman says:

    It’s really nice how it came out! With all the stuff you got at yard sales I couldn’t imagine where it going to be going!!!!! Wow anyways I would leave the dishwasher right were you have it!!! Because to load it you be dripping water back and forth across the floor!!! It looks fine the way you have it 😊

  3. D L
    D L says:

    It will be so fun to see where you take this channel in the future. Perhaps you could choose one topic to highlight per week? I am a regular listener for certain. May God Bless you & your family richly as you take time to recover from your remodel project & as you help your family through some trials. You all make our lives brighter with ways to live thrifty & with your encouragement! – Deb

  4. Ginger Reibsome
    Ginger Reibsome says:

    Every video you make is encouraging. Thrifting, gardening, painting, cooking. Love your motto, life is made joyful by the love of Jesus. Simple things. Not by debt, keeping up with the Jones. Enjoy your summer.

  5. Cindy Grothe
    Cindy Grothe says:

    I love everything about your new kitchen.lts so beautiful and so thought out an functional.your company's you used did a wonderful job.many blessings to you tawra and your whole family.Thank you for sharing your journey on your remodel ❤️🌷🌻☕

  6. einzgeisha
    einzgeisha says:

    Beautiful functional kitchen. I also like the color coordination like the hood range matching the countertops. I love your idea of the baking center. I like how the large sink also allows water to drip back into the sink. pretty awesome!

  7. Nikki Hole
    Nikki Hole says:

    Wow I love it !! I love your mom's gram's old stuff love the way you did your selfs the color even the design of them cupboards. You did a really good job on it all except for the inside drawers I know you will be changing those as you get more use to your brand new kitchen ❤❤❤❤

  8. KaWillis
    KaWillis says:

    Sliding Spice drawer is a great idea . I got rid of a lot of my nic nacs I’m too lazy to dust all the time time .Where is grandma ! Looks great lotsa room .

  9. Beverly Warfield
    Beverly Warfield says:

    Tawra, I love the color of your kitchen cabinets. The big window, with the Tiffany light is beautiful. I like the way you added your grandmother’s things. Beautiful kitchen. Thank you for the kitchen remodel tour.

  10. Viv R
    Viv R says:

    I am glad you stuck out for the bigger window because it adds so much to the room. As for the rest – inspirational and oh! so delightful. The Country Kitchen of dreams.

  11. Carolyn Evans
    Carolyn Evans says:

    looking through the big picture window, i can’t tell if i’m looking out a window or if it’s an actual picture on the wall!! it’s beautiful, i love it!!! the whole kitchen/pantry is awesome and i’m jealous… but very happy for y’all! well deserved for a disciplined life !

  12. Julie Harding
    Julie Harding says:

    I absolutely 💯 love your new kitchen!❤ Especially the way the drawers pull out and everything is so visible and organised! The best part is the window 🎉 . Sending blessings 🙌 from Scotland, uk!!

  13. Matea' Beiler
    Matea' Beiler says:

    Great job decorating and of course designing your new kitchen,hope you can enjoy it to the fullest this summer while you take time off work,Rest up then we need you back,😀love y’all,happy summer,stay safe!!

  14. Amelia in PDX
    Amelia in PDX says:

    I wish that my parents had been able to get some of their parents things. They didn't get anything as their siblings cleared out the grandparents stuff & with no wills, nothing could be "proven" as what belonged to whom, including even some of my dad's oersonal belongings…
    My dad didn't even speak to his sisters until 7 ir 8 years later & nothing "repaired" all the damage that was done, & one sister continued the "war" until she passed on.

  15. Ayden Woyus
    Ayden Woyus says:

    I think one of the reasons I watch your videos is I love the colors you use. That shade of green is my favorite! Every thing looks so nice! the mustardy yellow and touches of red and the sentimental vintage stuff is really lovely! Thanks for sharing!


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