Ketoliscious Keto | Low Carb Chili | InstantPot

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Ketoliscious Low Carb Chili in the Instant Pot! Finally.. I got the time and space to make my Ketoliscious Low Carb Chili. I made this in my InstantPot, but you can …

21 replies
  1. NonnaGrace
    NonnaGrace says:

    Aimee that looks absolutely delicious. Oh how I wish pasta wasn't a no no. Any ways I am sure the flavor is so good I won't miss the pasta. Going to give this a try. Oh by the way I tagged you in a 20 question tag. Looking forward to hearing your answers.💕. NonnaGrace

  2. Christina Smith
    Christina Smith says:

    Looks soooo yummy!!!! Unfortunately I could not lose weight with all the tomato products and def would have to leave out the green bean 🙁 No Bueno being menopausal lol Nothing left to eat lol. I am sitting here salivating lol

  3. Pearls of Wisdom and Food with Carnivore
    Pearls of Wisdom and Food with Carnivore says:

    thanks for the tutorial on your delish chili and InstantPot… I loved the line up of spices, too… fun….. I put spices for dishes like that all measured out, like you did.. so, it's all done and I can just 'plop' it in…. yum… and each day it doesn't get OLDER, it gets BETTER (like us keto ladies!) thanks~!~ yum.. thanks Aimee..xo


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