KETO Loaded "Potato" Salad

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People! You need to start adding radishes to your recipes that call for potatoes. It’s an amazing substitute, you wont be disappointed. The recipe below is …

49 replies
  1. Rene Herteux
    Rene Herteux says:

    I love this! My parents were from Germany and my mom used to make the most amazing warm German potato salad. I'm wondering if I can try it with radishes. There was no mayo…in addition to the potatoes it was basically eggs, vinegar, bacon, bacon grease, onions, a little pickle, and spices. I might give it a whirl!

  2. andradepam11
    andradepam11 says:

    OMG just made this today. And I have to say I am in love! Even my kids thought it was real potato salad. Yay!!! That's a win in my book. I made mine with an egg, some mustard, mayo, and dill ralish. Soo yummy!! Thank you so very much Kristi!! From one happy momma!

  3. Cindy at HappyJackDogDiapers
    Cindy at HappyJackDogDiapers says:

    Thanks for the recipe. I find that turnips also make a great substitute for potatoes. They are a slight bit higher on total carbs but worth it to me because I find the radishes tend to get mushy whereas the turnips stay firm, even in soup. Alot less peeling too!

  4. Sherry Crosby
    Sherry Crosby says:

    Love! Thanks for posting this. I love radish with my roast, so I am sure I will love this too. My best friend hates radish (and not on Keto) and tried my roast/radish dish and could not believe they weren't red potatoes. She ended up buying radish and making for her family. You never know until you try. LOL

  5. Rachel Bartley
    Rachel Bartley says:

    I have all these ingredients!.. I'll have to give it a try tonight!
    I love boiled eggs in mine so I will have to try it with that!
    This looks yummy Kristi, thanks for posting it! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Have an awesome weekend!

  6. Trina Wagner
    Trina Wagner says:

    I absolutely can't understand why more keto people haven't tried radishes in the place of potatoes. They are so good. And not radishy at all when cooked. Roasted, boiled They are delicious. Cut into slices like fried potatoes. And fried in butter Add a little onion to him.

  7. Karen Manning
    Karen Manning says:

    Wow Kristi, I had no idea about radishes being a good sub for potatoes! I'm going to make this this weekend for sure! Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself, your family, and your Keto lifestyle! You continue to inspire me, it means so much.

  8. Tracy Sutton
    Tracy Sutton says:

    I just added them to a roast last weekend and they were great! Thanks for this recipe. I donโ€™t like raw radishes but I am loving them cooked different ways. This weekend Iโ€™m going to sautรฉ them on the stovetop in bacon grease.

  9. tracey whitstine
    tracey whitstine says:

    Thanks for putting all of your recipes in one place. I have been looking for some of your recipes and could not find them. With them in one place like you have them makes life so much easier. Thanks for sharing

  10. beth12ann
    beth12ann says:

    You can totally add whatever you want in there just like a real potato salad like Dill Relish and chopped eggs and celery ๐Ÿ™‚ I have used the Radishes in with a Roast and they take on the flavor of the Roast. I think a lot of people on KETO who complain they don't like certain things need to try to re-train the brain. You eat with your eyes first. I know it is NOT a potato — these new foods are their OWN thing …. believe me I am not completely happy replacing my flour with Almond or Coconut but when I want a sweet treat …. then it sure is better than nothing ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you Kristi! ! !

  11. Mary Ellen
    Mary Ellen says:

    I have not used radishes as a potato substitute but I definitely am going to try. I probably will make it more traditional with mustard, boiled eggs, onions, and pickles. And I forgot celery for crunch.

  12. Heather Grimm
    Heather Grimm says:

    I will definitely be making this for my wedding this summer. Probably before as well. My soon to be husband and I are both keto. Having pulled pork with G.Huges bbq sauce but was having potato salad for everyone. Now we can have some too. Ty so much for sharing!

  13. Gina Fumi
    Gina Fumi says:

    Great recipe! Iโ€™ve fried radishes with onions in place of potatoes! Itโ€™s crazy how if you sautรฉ them roast them or boil them they taste totally different! I did a faux potato salad with cauliflower,can wait to try this one! Thanks!!


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