Keto Hot Pot! Great Keto Dinner Party Idea | First Time Hot Pot Attempt

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Keto Hot Pot! Great Keto Dinner Party Idea | First Time Hot Pot Attempt Social Media (follow us for updates!): Pinterest – Instagram …

44 replies
  1. Vindelextreme 2.0
    Vindelextreme 2.0 says:

    i eat hotpot all the time. next time try one of those spicy hot pot soup base that you can only get in Asian grocery stores. the spicy hotpot soupbase will take your hotpot experience to the next level

  2. betteryoubetter
    betteryoubetter says:

    The kimchi you had is "chinese made"…not good….Kimchi is Korean; get your Kimchi at the Korean Market….also they have better green groceries for sale (quality)….Kimchi has some sugar in it, so not really Keto-friendly (Sugar is evil)……watch the asian sauces too, loaded with sugar. Peanut sauce or just dip into salt and pepper mix after you've taken it out…..for fat, more shrimp than beef, and buy the fatties sliced beef too…..both at the Korean market

  3. Guilherme Lopes
    Guilherme Lopes says:

    We absolutely LOOOOOVE our Instant Pot.>>> We got it on Prime day and have used it every day since. Like most people, we fell into a rut of making the same meals over and over. The Instant Pot has opened up a whole new world for us. We are still discovering new recipes and having a lot of fun. If you are considering one of these, don't hesitate. I HIGHLY recommend it.

  4. Catherine Spencer
    Catherine Spencer says:

    Iโ€™m so happy you guys liked your first hot pot experience. Like Matt said you guys can do a low carb peanut butter sauce. As for veggies, I would try spinach, any type of mushroom, possibly some homemade meatballs.

  5. Ashley
    Ashley says:

    you could also add oyster juice and "better than boullion" chicken or beef paste for deeper flavored broth ๐Ÿ™‚ to make it fatter and spicier- add chili oil; your ideas on dipping sauce also great.

  6. SSuperC
    SSuperC says:

    I think you can use really fatty cuts of chicken and beef and maybe pork for increasing the fat. Maybe sliced skin on thighs, and really fatty beef cuts?

  7. DavidWKH90
    DavidWKH90 says:

    Depending on the size of your hot pot, I would suggest you try making a soup base of your own.

    4:2:1 ratio of Water, Dried Anchovies and Chinese Cabbage.

    Boil the crap out of the the anchovies in the pot of water, you'll see it floating up and the water changing colours.
    Remove the anchovies and put in the Chinese Cabbage.
    Continue boiling the Chinese Cabbage until it turns translucent and soft.
    Salt to taste and there you have it, homemade Hot Pot soup base. Probably dirt cheap in the US to get these ingredients. Do try it out !

  8. Chaya NG
    Chaya NG says:

    Hi my Keto couple you guys rock but once again please help me with some Keto vegetarian dishes!ย  It's awesome watching you both create such great creative Keto dishes.ย  Now go a little vegetarian – Luvya ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Auntie M
    Auntie M says:

    I love, love, love your videos! Keep them coming! I made your bread recipe and i'm hooked. I've tried so many different recipes and none of them come close to your keto bread. I've been keto since September 2015 and I've lost 88 pounds. I have a little more to go but keto is definitely the way I plan on eating forever. I've never felt so good–and full!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Winna Dang
    Winna Dang says:

    I'd recommend for ingredients: Enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, plain firm tofu, thinly sliced lamb (fatty), fish and no carb noodles. The broth can be 100% water or for a bit more flavour 50% stock, but not too much or you end up with very salty stock! Top up the soup when it runs low with water only. The best way to get more fat content is to use fattier cuts of meat and it makes the soup nice and fatty and use sesame oil as dipping sauce. A nice dipping sauce is sesame oil, a touch of soy, peanut butter and chili sauce/sambal.

  11. Dani Bucknell
    Dani Bucknell says:

    Hey! Love you guys! Binge-watched most of your videos. I'm new to the Keto scene, I've given it a go a few times but no lasting success. I'm starting again, but have a quick question do you worry about your grams of protein? I know I need to keep the carbs low and the fat high, but confused on the protein. Thanks for the inspiration and great vids!!! Gonna have to try the hot pot!!

  12. Nadi
    Nadi says:

    this is actually great! I've always had hotpot in restaurants i didn't know how to season my broth so thanks for giving me an idea.

  13. jus Haup
    jus Haup says:

    This was interesting and fun to watch and would make a nice party thing to do. I must check out these electric pots on amazon. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ


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