Keto Brick – Four Flavors Reviewed and We Make a Mug Cake

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In this video, Courtney and I review four flavors of Keto Brick sent to me from one of my viewers. To give the product a thorough …

34 replies
  1. SK L
    SK L says:

    Ive never tried these but maybe these are best for putting in other recipes and could be an asset. So Steve will be looking to see if you give it a chance in recipes.

  2. Oya Oshun
    Oya Oshun says:

    Hello from the UK! 👋 This was a fun, informative video. Thank you. 😊
    I am not familiar with the Keto Brick personally, but just from description and observation these remind me of Pemmican and maybe that is what it is inspired by / based upon? 🤔
    Classic pemmican, with its dehydrated ground meat and rendered fat, is definitely a marmite kind of food – you either love or detest it! 😋 Pemmican (Canadian / First People native meat dish) is absolutely pure survival food only and a little goes a long, long, long way…even for Ketovores. And your responses make me think you'd rather it went a long long way away from you! 😂
    Keto brick sounds / looks like a modern descendent. In that case maybe these would work so much better (and may even become somewhat palatable😝) if used as the supporting cast of a meal rather than the main star of the show. If one used it like protein powder to improve the macros of a low protein dish or alongside boullion cubes in water to add extra richness to soups and gravies it would really shine? 🤔
    Thank you again for a fun, informative, honest review and I look forward to more of them.

    Be Blessed.

  3. Carbage Man
    Carbage Man says:

    The crumbliness was the biggest drawback for me. If it was like a stash of Hershey bars, it would probably be better.

    PS: I just ate them. I liked the mocha and the peanut butter (not peanut butter cup.)

  4. Jana
    Jana says:

    I haven’t had a keto brick in a long time, but I must admit I respect the owners so much my opinion may be biased, as I remember the bricks being tasty. Robert (his wife also, and their team from what I can tell) remind me very much of you – genuine, sincere, transparent… the real deal. 😊

  5. Paula Mills
    Paula Mills says:

    I like most of the bricks. We melt them down into pucks. I like to keep them the in fridge and eat chilled. I was roaring you both disliked them so much. Many make it into bark and add nuts on top. 😂😂😊

  6. Jane Deaux
    Jane Deaux says:

    I spent last three months eating “healthy grains, oats, beans, sweet potatoes…” after reading a book about how healthy that eating is for us. Well, I was hungry constantly, felt lazy and was sad too often. I gained 4 lbs but look pudgy. So, I bought low carb type books about how bad wheat and grains are etc. I ate this way for years but feared it was bad after hearing ppl talk about healthy plant based eating etc. I now know- on a completely personal level- that keto is best. My pudge is melting, I am happier and have a lot of energy. Anyway, I am glad to be watching yor great vids. I never stopped but turned off notifications. I am back! You have the best content. And you age backwards which should have been proof enough for me. Thank you.

  7. Denita M
    Denita M says:

    I like the flavor of the maple one & the nootropic one though I don't taste any hint of pineapple just yummy frosting flavor. There's no way I could eat a whole brick in one sitting; I just take bites here and there when I have a sweet craving. The thing I don't care for is the way they stick in my molars-it's an uncomfortable feeling like a slippery gritty paste that melts away after a few seconds.

  8. Patty Laverde
    Patty Laverde says:

    You definitely have to cut them down as a whole brick is too big of a mouthful. I prefer the bricks that have the whey protein vs the vegetarian protein. I do like them for workouts or if I’m craving something sweet.

  9. Lee O
    Lee O says:

    Good on you, Steve, for not jumping in when Courtney "paused for promotional effect" 🙂 Courtney, love your humor – I'm originally from Missouri, but we (lovingly) refer to it as "misery." <g> I almost snorted coffee out my nose at " a taste I can't identify as something in nature." LOL so glad you are willing to take one for the team! This whole episode had me chuckling pretty much non-stop, thank you both so much!! Maybe you have discovered the flavor of madness 🙂

  10. Mike M
    Mike M says:

    I like Keto Bricks, but I don't like every flavor. Some of them I really like, but others are not my favorite. To me it tastes like a salty candy bar. The nootropic one is the best IMO. It reminds me of white chocolate. They have really crunchy ones that I don't really like, but the creamy sweeter ones are the ones I enjoy. A lot of people melt them into pucks as fat bombs. They might grow on you.

    Could the flavor you don't like be Stevia?

    The prices are based on quantity. They are much cheaper per bar when you buy 24 than when you buy 1 because they include shipping in the cost. $12 each for 1, but if you buy 24 they are 30% off or $7.20 each.

  11. Sherry Long
    Sherry Long says:

    These you either love or hate. I really like them. As others have said I melt them down and put them in molds for single serving. Very low total carbs and good if I need to up my fat or I just want something sweet. Really good company.


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