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24 replies
  1. Alexisasheep
    Alexisasheep says:

    Yeah people care about what tf you're doing at a restaurant as much as you care about their business. Which for most people is not at all. You're there to eat and enjoy yourself, not network and look your best. And there's plenty of people who go out and do things on their own, you just don't always notice them.

  2. Aquatic Sausage
    Aquatic Sausage says:

    I’ll never understand the stigma around it. Am I supposed to starve until someone is willing to accompany me? Why do I need a chaperone to eat out? Who came up with this concept anyway? Tf do they know?

  3. choklatechuck
    choklatechuck says:

    Has anybody else never experienced this in there life? Idk if it's because I have 4 older siblings, or that I've always been good at most thing, but I've wanted to be cool. Even a little bit. I've always wanted less friends.

  4. Bts Army
    Bts Army says:

    Its like u talking about me…. but from a month or two i started being okay and cool with being alone and not having alot friends and not being able to socialise at first meet… I started understanding that no matter how I tried am gonna be a certain way even if its not acceptable by society… at end of day am enough and happy cause that's what matters ❤

  5. Hajra Anser
    Hajra Anser says:

    I’m a senior in high school and my friends they graduated last year and I’m literally so awkward so idk how to make friends in my grade i feel like a loser not being “cool” i feel like i will be lonely for the rest of the year but watching this really comforted me and ur completely right I shouldn’t care

  6. Luisito VIII
    Luisito VIII says:

    it's an amazing feeling to enjoy a meal alone, you have your gut and taste as company, no one say, "i don't like this" and make you agree. you don't have to think about anything else but to enjoy the meal in front of you 🙂


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