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Japanese love to enjoy hot pot at home in winter! I’ll introduce vegan hot pot together with 3 sauces and rice porridge. It’s a full …

21 replies
  1. Commentary Talk
    Commentary Talk says:

    Please do a Meat Hot Pot in your next video. I find, stews, soups taste a lot better when there's some nutritious and savoury animal protein to elevate the taste of the vegetables, condiments and other elements.

    It's a bit like eggy-fried-rice: Sure there's any number of recipes but the egg really makes the eggy-friend-rice !!

  2. Divine Dia
    Divine Dia says:

    I have been craving thin fried tofu! It’s hard to find sadly. May I ask what’s the difference in using this version compared to normal tofu ? 😊 hotpot is one of the most comforting like miso, will definitely try!❤❤😊

  3. Elle North
    Elle North says:

    I make vegan hotpots all winter long. Looking forward to trying with the sauces. My go to is a side bowl of Mirin and a little soy sauce for dipping the ingredients. I always put some Shichimi powder on top. I eat this all of the time, and never get bored!

  4. Melissa Reid
    Melissa Reid says:

    Hello, soup and stews; but hot pot sounds the best of both together. 🥰 warm and cozy! you are correct they are indeed the same cabbage! You do beautifully with your explanations in English, I appreciate your time energy, and education. I learn so much from you. You are wonderful like a dear friend half a world away. 💝 Thank you for this.

  5. Sherry
    Sherry says:

    It is also getting cold where I live Northern California so we will be making this soon! All of our favorite ingredients in this recipe. Maybe we have this Halloween night 🎃

  6. Tamara
    Tamara says:

    One of my favourite sake is also yuzu! I had a sparkling yuzu sake once. That was so good. For kids you can make a fun yuzu drink with yuzu cha and sparkling water, have you ever tried that? It's a great refreshing drink for adult too, but you could add some sochu or sake to make a cocktail.

    I love making hotpots. My daughter is always happy when I make a yakitori egg hotpot (I know strange combination but it works really well) I use the ready yakitori but you can make it vegetarian by making a yakitori style atsu age and eggs. Someties I add boiled eggs, sometimes a raw egg an stir or leftover tamagoyaki works as well. And udon at the end.
    I also like putting shirataki in the hotpot like to one you made. And eat it with either sesame sauce or a spicy sauce, though sometimes ponzu and oroshi daikon is good as well. Never tried yuzu kosho with hotpot.

    It depends on the area what hakusai is called. Here it is sold as Chinese cabbage, but I know in the US it is (sometimes) called nappa cabbage. I usually have hakusai in the refridgerator since you can use it in almost anything. And I often make a quick kimchi with it. Just handy to have but it works great in hotpots as well. We sometimes mix it in our small bowl with hotpot ingredients and eat. That way my daughter doesn't have the spicy taste, but you could add it to the hotpot directly.

  7. sarah k
    sarah k says:

    Looks great! I really appreciate you mentioning vegan options all the time, thank you:)

    I would love for you to consider making a video of available substitutes for your recipes, for those of us who don't have access to many Japanese items. For example, I never heard of mirin. Is it acidic? What should I add instead for a similar taste? Thanks again!


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