January Pantry challenge, cakes, cakes cakes! Fruit Cake, Ginger Bread & Date/Ginger Slices cooking

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I’m batch cooking the contents of my baking cupboard t0 make the most of my stocks. Recipes for each are linked below: Ginger …

28 replies
  1. Clare Lamberti
    Clare Lamberti says:

    Looks fab Jane , I love to bake with the idea it’ll last the week of packed lunches etc but it seems to get eaten too quickly in our house !! So I might take a leaf out of your book and sneak some in the freezer for another time !

  2. Sue Bee
    Sue Bee says:

    If I do bake on a rare occasion it's a box cake or brownie mix from the supermarket. I get them for a little over a dollar and add eggs and avocado oil. I try to stay low carb so I don't have flour or sugar in the house. My mom was an incredible baker and cook and my son and daughter are both great at it too. It skipped a generation with me : )

  3. Joy Sleeman
    Joy Sleeman says:

    I bake, I batch cook and I batch bake. We’ve just finished our summer school holidays and that was when I prepped for the term. As well as mains like schnitzel and mince dishes, I batched veggies bought on really good specials ( 30kg potatoes/ $10.50) and I cooked banana cake in slices and muffins, plain and date scones, chocolate crazy cake, sausage rolls, shortbread fingers, bread and rolls all in the freezer, I also prepped the wet part of whole orange cake and froze it and measured and bagged the dry part so I can just mix the two for a quick cake. I also portion my slices and cut loaves of bread and log cakes in half so it’s easy to have a bit of variety.

  4. Tutts Clump Cottage
    Tutts Clump Cottage says:

    Loved this one. Cleared my baking cupboard and found lots to use up. Made Lemon Drizzle cake, Banana Chocolate chip muffins and peanut butter cookies. These used up the gluten free flour and I forwarded for lunch box use for the grandchildren. There was also a can of Marmade that was transformed into marmalade. Today I will make Borrowdale Teabread, your date and ginger slice and coconut slice. I will put these in the freezer for use when people come for a cuppa. Pre-cutting into individual slices and freezing makes so much sense. Great tip.

  5. Kate Leese
    Kate Leese says:

    Always do batch baking like you I prepare everything to go in oven at same time.With energy prices going up its best to fill the oven. Yesterday I made 2 fruit cakes and a jam and coconut sponge!!

  6. Plumunou
    Plumunou says:

    I do bake! Mostly bread, rolls and brioche but also cakes and muffins from time to time.
    Definitely batch baking and cooking… I don’t know how else the time constraints would work!
    Two years ago, I treated myself to a Bosch mixer that can manage dough with up to 2kg of flour and I double or quadruple recipes of breads and rolls so that we have plenty of rolls or slices of bread in the freezer. I also mix up an extra no knead dough that keeps in the fridge for a couple of days to bake in the middle of the week.

    Just this afternoon, I made galettes au blé noir (500g of flour!) and froze them flat and wrapped so that 3 at a time can be defrosted. Speedy warm dinner during the week 👍
    I also made a loaf of bread, prepped dough for 2 others, tried my hand at Apfel Strudel (apples needed using up) and froze half the dough. 💪

  7. Deborah Hobson was Dubber
    Deborah Hobson was Dubber says:

    Thank you, you took me back to my childhood, mum used to make the date bars 😋 hers didn't have ginger in but that would make them even more amazing 😋😋 We grow up with only home baked goods, nanna always baked on a friday so we were always keen to get homefrom school, she passed on her love to me and I have passed it on to my daughter who makes lots of goodies now she has her own home.Thanks for yet another great video and for sharing the recipes. ❤

  8. Ophelia Lee
    Ophelia Lee says:

    Hi, Jane. Your baked goods look so delicious! Wonderful with tea I'm sure. I'm not much of a baker but I may as well start as my baking supplies hang around too long. Today I pulled out of my freezer a zucchini bread I made last month. You are quite right about baked goods freezing very well. The loaf sliced in half easily; I put the other half back in the freezer for some other time.

  9. Heather Tucker
    Heather Tucker says:

    Really enjoyed watching you bake cakes. I must confess that I don’t make many cakes at all as we don’t seem to eat them! I have made a few tray bake type cakes to slice but I find gluten free flour (which I have to use) makes them rather heavy in some recipes. I have had some fruit loaves that have resembled house bricks!! Glad yours turned out so well and looked really delicious! Thank you.

  10. monique huijskens
    monique huijskens says:

    Today I started baking cupcakes from the almond flour I have open in the pantry. And also flaxseed and almondflour focaccia and almondflour rolls. Tomorrow I wil make wafels and pancakes. All to freeze. As I eat grain free its nice to be prepared and have things in the freezer for busy days. And the freezer is little by little having some space again, because I did not have to buy any food, but just eat out of the freezer, which I stuffed with groceries on less price after Christmas…Kindly regards from the Netherlands and thank you again for the inspiration!

  11. Jennifer M.
    Jennifer M. says:

    Thinking about doing a pantry challenge, but I think we'd better wait for March. In the Midwest US, winter storms are a likelihood and one wants to have a stocked pantry just in case.

  12. Jennifer M.
    Jennifer M. says:

    Hi Jane. Did you do your own kitchen remodel? It's so pretty. I love your tile backsplash and your wooden counters. Have you done a video on this? I'm looking for simple kitchen ideas.

  13. LilaLavendel
    LilaLavendel says:

    Your cakes are looking great! My grandma and my father were confectioners and I inherited her love of baking. I often bake crumble with fruits or spicey muffins. They are so easy to
    freeze. I also bake cakes in little jars, put the lid on after baking, when the jar is still hot. You don't have to put these jars into the freezer. You can put them in your pantry for weeks or longer. Happy weekend and greetings from Germany (Sabrina 😉) .

  14. poolfield2
    poolfield2 says:

    Thanks for the links to recipes!

    I’ve just made a rich fruit cake that will mature from now until Easter and then I’ll decorate it with the traditional marzipan. No need to freeze this as it keeps beautifully.

  15. bex438
    bex438 says:

    My specials are apple and blackberry pie/crumble and chocolate brownies every now and then 😋 I also like to make a fridge cake with leftover raisins, glacé cherries, any leftover biscuits mixed into melted chocolate which is so easy to make, involves no cooking and freezes really well 🙂

  16. Libby Rehn
    Libby Rehn says:

    Love this video Jane!! Never thought about freezing the baked goods but will try now. I love baking !in quiches and muffins for my family's lunches. 💖 I also want to try baking your fruit cake recipe.


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