January 22 Basics of Keto Day 22 What I Eat On Ketogenic Diet

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My Website: https://lowcarbrevelation.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer: As with any supplement, …

27 replies
  1. CarolJean Fourie
    CarolJean Fourie says:

    Another berry tip … before you add your blueberries to your yoghurt etc, warm them up for a few seconds in the microwave … You'll NEVER not do this again … Somehow brings out the juiciness and the taste πŸ™‚

  2. Jennifer Jones
    Jennifer Jones says:

    Thanks for the review on the dehydrator! I put it on my list of gift ideas for myself! 😊 once again, love your channel! We’re getting spoiled with having a video from you everyday for the month! ❀

  3. Yazi’s Journey
    Yazi’s Journey says:

    Here at the farm we do canning, ferment and dehydrate meat, herbs, fruits and veggies but honestly our dehydrate machine is so very load. I couldn’t hear yours. That’s great. Thank you so much for sharing Paula. God bless πŸ™

  4. Sandra Growe
    Sandra Growe says:

    Another great video. I totally agree with everything you stated referring to your weight, losing inches, etc. i am maintaining my weight and have been for quite some time. By maintaining, I mean I have remained at the point where I lost 35 lbs while still eating the proper human diet/keto. However, I too am losing inches. It’s crazy…. It’s especially true with my tops but my pants also fit more loosely too. Well, I have no words of wisdom about this. I am so grateful I am healthy and feeling the best I’ve felt in years. Oh, I wanted to mention I feel you are not repeating yourself at all. I watch Dr. Berry’s live on YouTube each Monday evening. Guess what? He repeats too. πŸ˜‚ so many people watching you and yes, tons of questions. The reference to go back in your videos and research is an awesome suggestion and where all of us can find answers. As you say, it’s a learning process. I am still learning too. All of us are hear to help especially in your Facebook group. Your group is filled with tons of help from the wonderful people in it. Have a blessed rest of your day.

  5. Ginger Evans
    Ginger Evans says:

    Paula, your videos influenced my decision to start Keto. I’m curious your thoughts on the whole 30 diet. Obviously there are many lifestyle choices that one could make, and I wouldn’t bash any one of them. Just curious.

  6. Nancy Coker
    Nancy Coker says:

    Hey Paula! I love your channel. I'm so glad I found it. Thank you for doing this series, it's just what I needed and you do a wonderful job! I'm sorry if I'm looking right over it but I don't see your taco seasoning recipe listed here and I really want to try it. ❀

  7. Danielle M
    Danielle M says:

    I've been considering whether or not to get a dehydrator so that I can make my own meat chips!! This one looks nice and not too big! Thanks for showing us your meat chips!

  8. Silvergurl 67
    Silvergurl 67 says:

    Hi Paula! Thanks for the berry tip, definitely going to try it. I love celery and I keep it crisp for almost a month using a jar and water to keep them in the fridge. Wash/cut add to a jar of water. Crisp as the first day three weeks later! I do rinse the water weekly. 😊

  9. Beth Gol
    Beth Gol says:

    @low carb revelation so I had a whole day yesterday of celebrating my daughter's 14th birthday I ate so much junk that I feel bloated again and have that headache how do I kick star or get back into ketosis right away? I noticed start back my diet or should I just fast for a couple days of no eating or should I very few calories with my macros ? I don't feel bad for doing that and celebrating with my daughter but I feel sick physically so it's just going to teach me to not do this ever again LOL

  10. Dee Blyth
    Dee Blyth says:

    Paula, thank you so much for these videos. First thing in morning we make coffee, take care of our two fur babies. Then we spend time with the Lord, sipping our black coffee. Right after that we head over to spend time with you. Oh how we are going to miss these mornings with you when the thirty days are up. We have enjoyed these get together with you.
    Blessings and hugs!

  11. Johanna Engman
    Johanna Engman says:

    you love your burnt butter things. Burnt butter is a big thing where I am and has been for years. You can use it as a flavour or in cooking. I bake point cabbage in the oven and then add some burnt butter that I have a bit of lemon juice in and some chopped hazelnuts in. Use as a side dish or on its own.


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