January 11 Basics of Clean Keto Day 11 What I Eat On Ketogenic Diet

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26 replies
  1. #qiviutqueen
    #qiviutqueen says:

    totally agree with the intermitent fasting. Most people today do not move enough to need 3 meals per day. Two meals is quite sufficent & when you eat only two meals you do sleep much better., the body gets a rest from processing food & it most defo lowers Toxins in your body. We have a good breakfast, great lunch then nothing till next breakafst. We drink about 80 oz of water per day & I allow myself 2 small glasses of dry white wine at night. We certainly don't starve on keto♥

  2. Peggy Bunting
    Peggy Bunting says:

    I've watched your videos everyday since the beginning of the year, and I am keeping it Keto. I've done low carb/keto off and on for many years. I like to get creative with my cooking. I like the challenge of making something I like into a low carb version. Watching other low carb/keto vloggers is such a great place to get ideas. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Sharon Nunn
    Sharon Nunn says:

    I have never seen the salt crystals! I often put a pinch of salt on my tongue when I'm fasting to stave off cravings. It will stop hunger in its tracks! Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Debbie Davidson
    Debbie Davidson says:

    I did Keto once before…it’s really the best way of eating that my body responds to. I stopped and yes I’m about to start again. Answer to your question…I always put heavy cream in my coffee and it did not break my fast. I also watched a video by 2 Drs married to each other’s who tested this theory and the heavy cream did NOT break their fast according to their blood glucose monitors or whatever they were using!

  5. JW
    JW says:

    We got to see where they process the Redmond salt in UT. I know some may think this is nasty but I laughed when you were talking about licking that block of salt. Growing up on a farm with cattle Dad would get big blocks of salt for the cows to lick. We kids would sit and lick that same block when the cows weren't around. Can't imagine all the goodness we got and the big boast to our immune systems!

  6. Nora Zelaya
    Nora Zelaya says:

    I put 2 tsps of whipping cream and half of stevia packet in my coffee, no butter and other excess fats. I stop my meals at 5-5:30 pm most days. After that I only drink a cup of decaf green tea with half packet of stevia. I am not going to worry about breaking a fast. I cannot have plain black coffee. Even the experts disagree on this. I have my coffee around 7 am, so I already had a good fasting time. I get my formal. first meal at 11 a or 12 pm. I do the two meal fasting because it also helps with my sleep and overall wellbeing. Before going into this life style, I called myself an insomniac. It took me forever to fall asleep and I usually woke up twice. Still takes me a bit longer, but I hardly ever wake up until around 5 or 6 am.

  7. Janelle Greene
    Janelle Greene says:

    I’m no expert and haven’t even read about it but I have been skipping breakfast and having heavy cream in my coffee. Still seeing great results! Not sure if it’s technically fasting but it’s working for me.

  8. 1955dmb
    1955dmb says:

    Redmonds salt is wonderful! Didn't realize you live in MI. When you said you were at Tim Horton's I looked in your description box and discovered you mentioned MI. We lived there for 6 years. We are in TN now. I'm really enjoying your channel!

  9. Shelly Gordon
    Shelly Gordon says:

    Great video. I was doing intermittent fasting before I got back on keto and it makes things simpler because I only have to figure out what to eat for 2 meals. I am really enjoying your channel and have printed several of your recipes.

  10. Sarron Wyrwas
    Sarron Wyrwas says:

    Paula…I fell off the wagon today and had a slice of lemon meringue pie…when I was done I goggled it to see what damage I had done calorie and carb wise and I almost fell off the couch when I read it…no wonder I had a weight problem in past!


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