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acrehomestead #pantrytour #bulkfood Food Preservation Playlist …

40 replies
  1. Tamaleen you know what I mean
    Tamaleen you know what I mean says:

    The one thing Becky is very fortunate is that she can be homemaking and working in the yard or other home projects without a child underfoot. I don’t mean it in a negative way, it’s a good place to be. Wish I had had that opportunity, I had 4 so focusing for hours on home project and a garden were out of the question in my situation at that time in my life 😊

  2. Tricia Martin
    Tricia Martin says:

    What I love about your pantry organization is that there is so very little commercially processed foods with horrible ingredients and nutrition in it.

    When I watch pantry organization videos from others, it usually has a ton of sugary, heavily processed foods all individually wrapped in all the marketing wrappers and people think they need all that.

    They can certainly choose to have all that, but you really show how we don't need all that and how it's so much better to do it is naturally as possible.

  3. Mary Wright
    Mary Wright says:

    My mother taught me to do my normal cleaning every day, then tackle one extra thing a day, such as clean a clost or organize a drawer. She said if I do this my house would never be a burden. It makes sense. Now, if only I could follow good advice! Lol

  4. Kelly Crowl
    Kelly Crowl says:

    LOVE THE RESULTS OF YOUR ORGANIZING EFFORTS! Some of my favorite videos are organizing ones, and hearing different people's thought patterns to doing what works for them. Becky, I try to never miss a single post of yours! Love your channel & look forward to every season with your newest garden & homestead! Thank you for being you!

  5. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    I can’t believe she feeds the baby what they eat, gosh most times she has to hold back on the spice for Josh. I can’t imagine poor baby. She makes so much hot sauce you’d think that she’d make her meals less “spicy” not only for Josh but that little baby. She can always “doctor” her own serving with her home made hot sauces.

  6. C N
    C N says:

    You really shouldn't complain about having to go to your downstairs pantry to get something. don't you realize how lucky you are?

  7. Kellie Chivers
    Kellie Chivers says:

    I have my spare room as my pantry with all my canning goods and store brought goods , with out fail I literally have to reorganise every few weeks and clean. Things just end up everywhere it’s life thanks for the video x

  8. Angela Rae
    Angela Rae says:

    I've found that brown rice is also perfect for fried rice. It stays separate, without having to let it cool. And the extra fiber makes me feel better about the carbs and oil in the dish. He he

  9. Dawn Sykes
    Dawn Sykes says:

    This type of bamboo 🎋actually looks like the non-invasive type. They have a thicker trunk. The type we have is invasive as heck and is thinner. But we cut it anyway to make our garden trellis. Knowing my luck, mine will somehow take root in my garden. 🤦‍♀️😂 But yep. Making sure it turns brown first.

  10. V E
    V E says:

    I love your term “analysis paralysis” !! I get that too!😂 I wanted to let you know that my grandchildren beg to watch “Becky”❤ I hope Josh has an amazing first Fathers Day!

  11. Jade Marais
    Jade Marais says:

    These have become my fav videos to watch when winding down for the day but lately I've really been struggling with the sound difference between the video and the voice over. I find myself having to turn down the volume then turn it back up all the way through 🙁

  12. G Nelson
    G Nelson says:

    I have a thought for a future project. I REALLY think you are one of the people who would benefit greatly from my flash of brilliance! You need a dumb waiter!!! And if you ever do it, I want to SEE it!!

  13. Tubylitube
    Tubylitube says:

    you can also ask Josh to cut holes in the front of the draws so you can see in them. Do the square storages with gamma lid fit? You can stack them in the spot and only If they need replacement pull the complete drawer out.

    If use for party stuff take of the rail and put them on wheels. All the party supply's in 1 place after al the washing up straight back in place only wheel once back.

  14. Carol Ledger
    Carol Ledger says:

    Wow! You are so very lucky! I live in a rented little cabin. My kitchen is probably the size of one of your smallest closets. I don't think I would have the energy to care for a big house like you do. At 66 the cabin is all I can handle however to have a small pantry and more cupboards I would like. My small kitchen only has 2- 2 door cupboards and one under the sink and a one door cupboard for pots and pans. I admire how well you keep everything organized. I stink at it. LOL

  15. Carol Ledger
    Carol Ledger says:

    I'm just curious why you use regular jars with the smaller openings? Is there a reason to use those? I buy only the wide mouth jars, no matter the size, just because it's less messy and easier to clean. 😊

  16. Tara
    Tara says:

    The thing about this space Becky is it will only be as good as you are about keep up after it. It takes you sitting down and committing to putting stuff away no matter how tired you are, or how late it is, or how many other things are on your plate, it is a pain in the butt however as soon as you let off it will go right back to this. Ask me how I know… 😂 I am 46 and I may have some experience in the sluffing off and re dedication to it. 😊 just remember you can do anything that you want to do and in twenty years will your son care that the pantry was clean or that every summer when he was little you taught him how to garden? Priorities!

  17. Taylor Gontkovic
    Taylor Gontkovic says:

    Becky, No need to apologize for not having all the items in place for your entire/ kitchen food items at hand..Since you've moved ..Yall manged two home, finishing harvesting your garden, Moving, interior refresh, and cooking, but utmost PREGNANCY..Baby A is now at the age of really showing true lil personality and lil bit on his own & not as demanding as infant…
    PREGNANCY Brain is now returning to normal and you can see clearer and knowing what you want & need where to help make life/ cooking more functional..Doing Great..Hugs to lil Baby A and who will soon toddling around….
    I did the same with all 4 of mine, Soft table foods,homemade when I could, low sugar/ sodium premade…I'm southern so mashed potatoes/ lol gravy..Yep, babies 1st soft food along with homemade applesauce..Couldn't get better for lil Southern babies 1st table food…Except Fried Chicken, that came much later..🤣😂
    Oh My Gosh, who remembers or watched moms " Chew the food than feed to their babies"????? 🤔😂🤣 And they'd open their mouths like hungry baby birds…..♥️🥀

  18. V A Hultman
    V A Hultman says:

    Organization is always a non-stop process. Don't fuss too much about it. If it constantly stayed perfect, isn't that a sign that no one lives there? Just enjoy the happy mess/organizing project when they happen, because the journey that took you there was wonderful!

  19. Judy Laronde
    Judy Laronde says:

    In your pantry, why not get rid of the drawers that seem really hard to open and replace them with adjustable shelves. You would probably use them more as everything would be easy access and visible. Just a thought. 😊

  20. Glenda Johnstone
    Glenda Johnstone says:

    My Goodness Becky, You sold a home, bought a beautiful home, did a lot of renovation, had a baby, difficult delivery. Kept cooking, set up a garden, cooked for your family and kept up with a you tube channel. You are too hard on yourself. You are one amazing women! You have a lifetime to get everything organized.

  21. Amanda R
    Amanda R says:

    Have you got a nursery kitchen for Baby Acre related items? High chair, cups, bottles, bibs, separate dishwasher/sanitizer in there too for baby items? Mouli etc?

  22. Sam Ramsay
    Sam Ramsay says:

    Hey Becky! You are so energetic and where is your cute baby boy? Do you have a nanny cause you spend alot of time doing your own thing , just like you did before you had him. Never did hear his name other than Baby A. I would love to hear about him.

  23. ..Morbid.Tranquility..
    ..Morbid.Tranquility.. says:

    I would think the darker chicken liquid would actually be more of a chicken stock. Since it’s cooked for so long with veggies and aromatics thus yielding a higher concentrated product with both richer & deeper flavor. And the light one is a chicken broth because it’s just the chicken flavor shining through so it could be used in dishes where you can let other flavors be the star.

  24. Star Adams
    Star Adams says:

    I have a legitimate question for Becky and homesteads in general. I am lookinnng to do homsteading also, my questio is this > Ok you have a giant kitchen, allot of cabinets and storage. You also have a pantry room, and majority of food storage in the basement. So filling up the off-kitchen working pantry with stock from below… doesn't that make you have to fill up on something 3 times in 3 different areas in the house? Flour/rice in the kitchen etc, then the working pantry and also the basement? Dose this Make more work for yourself? what about all the kitchen cabinets for the stock thats in the working pantry? Im just asking because seems like you might be creating 3 times work on the same job in 3 different places, and its all about streamlining you're job & more efficacity, right? …If you have very little storge in the kictyh and space is a issue yeah the working pantry is supplementing what you don't have, and when i move Ive been looking at the same thing ad now wondering if its doubling up the work, so figured id ask, and ill live vicariously threw you to problem hack first haha


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