Is TikTok Custard Toast Life Changing?

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22 replies
  1. Erica Nutt
    Erica Nutt says:

    I recently found out from a blood test that I’m allergic to wheat as well as many other foods, it’s perhaps one of the most challenging times of my life as I used to eat bread everyday. Gluten free bread, here I come!

  2. Lindsay Crouch
    Lindsay Crouch says:

    I just started watching your videos recently and I've had a blast going back and watching tons of your past ones. Since I usually skip the ads, I wanted to support you by giving a small contribution as a token of my appreciation for the entertainment you've provided. Keep up the good work, you're so fun to watch!

  3. Silber Hörnchen
    Silber Hörnchen says:

    i hate baked custard/pudding. here in germany we have something called puddingbrezel. it's pretty well known around my area and even tho the dough is yummy, this surface of the baked custard to me equals if you boil your own custard the skin that forms at top – both textures make me feel super sick xD

  4. X.C.
    X.C. says:

    !!! i do something super similar with the leftover custard i get from baking pies sometimes! i figured custard wasn't that much different than the egg mixture used to dunk french toast in, a little thicker since it had been cooked on the stove and all, so i spooned some over both sides of a slice of sandwich bread and fried it up with a bit of butter on the stove and oh my god it was DELICIOUS!! it IS just like a cross between french toast and bread pudding! so rich and decadent… to be honest i liked it better than the pie LOL

    i enjoyed the bread-pudding like texture, but i'm wondering if this recipe would be soggier than mine since the french-toast-like method involves flipping it and frying both sides. i don't think mine was a crunchy as yours tho, which i feel like would make for a super interesting texture. maybe next time i make it i'll fry it in the air fryer and try flipping it halfway through so see if i can get that richness i like without the bread getting soggy? the fact the eggs are already cooked might also help with that too… idk! guess i'll just have to find out when i try it!

    also, this is the custard pie recipe that i normally end up doing this with since i get a decent amount of extra filling using a 9-inch shallow pie dish: it's honey-flavored just like the one in this video!

  5. AJ Brown
    AJ Brown says:

    Not trying to hate, but I legit just feel like this is a lazy version of french toast with yogurt and no cinnamon/milk. Deconstructed recipes often get mistaken for new inventive ideas all the time on TikTok which I’m not saying is a bad thing but let’s call it invalid clout lol

  6. astrosteve
    astrosteve says:

    I feel like it might work better if you cook it for a bit without fruit (so it doesn't get dried out), then put fruit on and cook it longer. I think that might help with the sogginess because you can cook it longer overall without ruining the fruit on top.


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