Is Gordon Ramsays Spicy Vegan Dish ANY GOOD???

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Gordon Ramsay made ANOTHER vegan recipe recently and I instantly knew I had to try it out! Was it good, was it bad, I needed to …

45 replies
  1. Jeremy GOARD
    Jeremy GOARD says:

    ME: "Okay, seems pretty reasonab–JESUS CHRIST THAT'S A LOT OF SUGAR!"
    You can pretty much expect restauranteur "spicy" dishes to be 1-2/10 in spiciness and 12/10 in instant-diabetes-inducing sweetness. :-p

  2. Lindsay Rose
    Lindsay Rose says:

    Some vegans have said it’s unfair or dishonest to say that Japan eats a lot of meat because they eat a lot of seafood, and somehow, according to them, fish is… a vegetable? Yes, vegans, I hate to tell you, but fish is meat. In the case of Hong Kong, however, they do eat fish, but they also eat a lot of beef and pork, in fact, the US FDA has said, “Hong Kong is a mature market where pork consumption outranks that of beef and poultry.”

  3. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    To be honest you are 100 times more creative than Gordon Ramsay 😄 and what I really like is for Gordon to try and publicly show YOUR recipes 😉

  4. Meagan Kominczak
    Meagan Kominczak says:

    I love Gordon Ramsay but I’m sure even he’d be the first to tell you he’s not a great vegan chef and he I’m sure misses the mark on veganized dishes…there’s a-lot of things that crossover from regular cooking and making it vegan but there are other things that would probably improve these recipes that he doesn’t implement that vegans use a lot of! So I really think this area of expertise there isn’t the greatest even being classically trained and will probably improve with time and learning from other chefs!

  5. Magnetic CrabStick
    Magnetic CrabStick says:

    I am a British living in the south of France where some of the ingredients you use are hard to find, thanks for the web and online international shoping 🙏 i watch you and your sweet heart every week, thank you for your trials. Just bought your book, thank you to your both carry on with the good ideas.

  6. Yum Bunny
    Yum Bunny says:

    The truth is you actually make tasty unique vegan food and Ramsey comes in here with bang bang cauliflower!? Come on the local pub did that last year! How come he isn't remaking some of his favorite dishes vegan? His vegan recipe had close to zero effort put into it, that is frustrating AND it definitely took longer than 10 minutes!

  7. Margaret B
    Margaret B says:

    I mean, I love the fact someone from his PR team is forcing him to make more plant-based recipes but some of them are not crafted perfectly, that's for sure. To me, several seem kind of over-the-top in terms of preparation but not great when it comes to the final result 😀
    Having said that, guessing from this recipe testing video of yours, maybe he should just focus on more approachable, simpler vegan dishes – less fuss and tastier outcomes!
    Anyways, thanks for reviewing this one for us! I am glad you actually enjoyed it 😉
    Have a great rest of the week!

  8. Y
    Y says:

    This actually looks delicious to me. Been on a veg health kick, so this I will try, less oil though and I’ll prob bake the cauliflower instead so I don’t need that much oil. So colorful! With some brown rice maybe? Yum!

  9. Star Light
    Star Light says:

    I like your videos, they are straight, pure, and honest. I think you have a great character. Keep-up the good work in promoting the vegan life style to save our planet. Thnks Bro.🙏💗⭐

  10. ryan s
    ryan s says:

    I wouldn’t worry about the 10 min time that’s more a guideline meaning quick meals and it being done in 10 doesn’t count any prep or chopping it’s purely cooking and putting together

  11. MsTMPerry
    MsTMPerry says:

    All transitioning vegans should be supported and not belittled, even famous accomplished chefs. Seems pretty petty to tear them down publucly and label any dish they ever made as "just ok". Interesting that you don't do the same test of "is it any good" with other vegan chefs.

  12. Emma Baird
    Emma Baird says:

    Damned by faint praise, hmm?! Ten-minute dishes might work on time if you've got a handy sous chef/home economist working on set with you to do all the prep… I've seen a lot of far tastier looking cauliflower recipes out there made by far nicer individuals… 😉

  13. Becky Irvin
    Becky Irvin says:

    I think it’s hilarious people are giving you ‘heat’ for trying out Ramsey’s recipes and giving your honest opinion 😄 thanks for checking it out! Maybe it’s the TV editing that makes the recipe happen for Ramsey in 10 minutes 🤣😂

  14. endogeneity
    endogeneity says:

    You guys are both holding the chop sticks wrong. You will get much more stability if you hold one with your fourth finger and crux of your thumb, and the other with your top three fingers. Look it up on youtube. Will totally change your chop stick game!

  15. freakonalex
    freakonalex says:

    It definitely possible to do it in ten minutes by someone who is as skilled with the knife as Gordon Ramsey.
    I'm pretty sure, when you work on your knife skilles and cook this recipe more often, so that you know exactly what to do next , you would increase your speed significantly.
    Maybe that's a challenge for another video, when you improve the recipe.

  16. teenyleaf
    teenyleaf says:

    My problem with "professional" vegan dishes like these is that they rely on expensive ingredients like cauliflower. No rice, barley, or couscous to the side? Does Ramsay not know how much cauliflower you'd have to buy to make this dish for the whole family? Prices like these is what scares a lot of people away from vegan food!

  17. cancerianStargazer
    cancerianStargazer says:

    I really like how Gordon ramsay has evolved in terms of being more inclusive with regard to veg and vegan food. I remember back in the day he was really against vegan foods and now he's making recipes tailored to vegans. I'm proud of his growth 😌

  18. Lee Vardy
    Lee Vardy says:

    I’m not a huge fan of Ramsey but I’m definitely going to try this definitely looks like something I’d enjoy. I didn’t realise you was in Orlando! I’m actually visiting next month would you be able to recommend any good vegan restaurants?

  19. MadAsHell
    MadAsHell says:

    Why the hell are vegan dishes often loaded with hot sauce, hot pepper, etc? Too hot n spicey for most American tastes. This is especially true of vegan convenience foods- frozen dinners, etc. Why make everything so hot you can't eat it?? I think hot pepper is used as a cheap flavor.


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