Is CLEAN Meat Worth Stocking Up On? (Whole Cows)

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40 replies
  1. Mic Mac
    Mic Mac says:

    We’re lucky to have a local farmer who raised grass fed beef at a very reasonable price!! It usually costs me about $5 a lb total. They are amazing people who don’t price gouge!!

  2. annie bee
    annie bee says:

    My dog will not eat meat from just anywhere, even from Whole Foods. She just checks it out and walks away — something must be wrong with meat in the markets these days. I even found a place that sells grass fed beef and wild venison but she will not touch it. There is only one store where I can find clean beef that she is willing to eat.

  3. Erin in Montana
    Erin in Montana says:

    Mr. Poplar, thank you for writing what your video is about in the thumbnail and not some dire-sounding clickbait repeat words. Too many do that. Also, I appreciate the way you explain things in easy to understand terms. I follow many similar channels but yours is the one I will most often spend my time on. My husband and I appreciate you. May Yehovah bless you and keep you.

  4. Vickie Adams
    Vickie Adams says:

    I need the clean beef hook-up. Most places (CSAs) are sold out quickly. You have to have your cash ready. The nearest farm to me had a lot of complaints because people weren't getting their allotments on time. Very expensive cuts.

  5. Ingrid Moussalli
    Ingrid Moussalli says:

    I have canned meat with pressure cooking according to Red Rose YouTube channel. I have pressure canned beef cubes with Montreal seasoning, beef stew, meatballs, plain beef, spiced pork , and chicken soup, etc check out her website for SAFE pressure canning

  6. Umbra Shadow Gaming
    Umbra Shadow Gaming says:

    Have you heard of freeze dry wholesalers? Not many people know about this company but it is a good one. They are way more advanced than any other company I have heard of. They do things like freeze dried whole steak and a whole bunch of other stuff. They are a bit more pricey but its definitely a company you should look in to. I heard about them from Canadian prepper.

  7. Dave
    Dave says:

    All that meat to other freeze dried dehydrated foods are way over priced. Buy a Harvest Right Freeze dryer an do your own food much cheaper. $2500 FINANCED an you just buy the meat an do it your self much cheaper to from some company

  8. Pamela Penick
    Pamela Penick says:

    Smiths has their case lot sales they put out today. This is what I saw at my store. Peanut butter-smooth and crunchy $11.88, pears, tuna $42.78, green beans, stewed tomatoes, ramen noodles $3.79/12, hunts traditional pasta sauce $15.48, corn $23.78, Dinty Moore beef Stew, powdered sugar, brown sugar, garbanzo beans, pinto beans, another kind of beans, another brand of beef Stew. That's what I remember. Hope this helps someone. The prices are from my area in New Mexico. Dont know if they do it in the Kroger stores.

  9. JustaFanBoy
    JustaFanBoy says:

    We have been buying local beef for several years – locally grown and butchered. You pay per pound, regardless of the cut. That means hamburger costs the same as the fillet mignon but overall we fill our freezer for a good average price.

  10. Sheri Cline
    Sheri Cline says:

    Steve mentioned cooking the meat "Sous Vide". This is an amazing way to cook cheap cut tough meats to be like Prime Rib…I kid you not. It involves putting your meat into a sealed bag with a dry rub spice(s) and immersing it into a "water oven" set at a temp to kill bacteria, yet slow cooked to absolute tenderness. Get Lisa Q. Fetterman's book "Sous Vide At Home". Those meats you buy in the grocery deli…all cooked this way, those perfectly cooked steaks you get in restaurants and in first class flights…all Sous Vide cooked. You lost your gallbladder and can't digest meat well…eat Sous Vide meats.

  11. ceo904
    ceo904 says:

    I can understand the knee jerk reaction. And, albeit, most folks can't wrap their brain around those prices. However, I've been in situations where this would have been a bargain and a very greatly appreciated moral booster for myself and others with me. Don't underestimate the value of things like this. It just might provide you, or a loved one, with the boost you, and they, needed to carry on. Blessings.

  12. Dimboola Bladeworks
    Dimboola Bladeworks says:

    we've created our own group that has its own little herd , 12 families involved , everyone helped out buy the herd and so we have our costs but its way less than butcher or store bought and we know the meat aint tainted , and theres very little waste as we also sell most of the waste or recycle it for gardens and other things

  13. Hm M
    Hm M says:

    We raise beef cattle, ours are not vaccinated etc. but I will tell you when people want fresh well fed beef they don’t like price and complain like babies. It’s almost like your damned if ya do and damned if ya don’t. I don’t think some folks grasp how much time and money goes into raising food animals. But, (imo) we have the best meat and I know where it comes from. we don’t even try to explain anymore. They seem to want everything at Dragon country prices. Another point is we sell them whole so that scares some people because of the quantity, but the money you save over the year or years is immense, they could buy a bigger freezer of the supplies they need to preserve different ways, or split it with others that up to them. I speak only for us but were tired of people bitching and complaining how pricey it is, we’re not making money trust me we try to break even at this point. If none buys we send them so sale and butcher only why we need.


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