Instant Pot Vegan Recipe Tickled Pink Hummus SOS free

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This hummus is so tasty and beautiful it’ll tickle you pink! To make it, first make the garbanzo beans in your Instant Pot Electric pressure cooker. You will need: 1 …

33 replies
  1. Kathy Timme
    Kathy Timme says:

    Heather, a while ago you mentioned where you were buying your produce for cheap prices. You mentioned that there was a place in Vancouver, WA also, but I can't find it. Would you please let me know what the name of the place is in Vancouver.  Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. You are an inspiration. I hope you see this and respond to my question. I couldn't find an email address for you, so I'm asking here on this site.  Thank you.  Kathy Timme from Vancouver, WA.

  2. Sandy Jacobson
    Sandy Jacobson says:

    I have been eating your salad recipe all week!!! Yummm, I'm not sure why I didn't think to cut up the lettuce!!! I LOVE the smaller bites! Thank you for your YouTube's, God has greatly used you in my life!♡

  3. Kerstin Schuster, Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, Dozentin, Coach
    Kerstin Schuster, Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, Dozentin, Coach says:

    Dear Heather, congratulations for your successfull journey! I am a Nutrition scientist from Germany and i have an Information for you, that you might would like to know. To my Knowledge Benson Table Tasty contains yeast extract. Other than Nutritional Yeast it contains high Levels of Glutamate , which is a known taste AND Appetite enhancer. In Germany companys often add yeast extract to products as hidden Glutamate (it sounds better for the consumer on the ingredient list) and this practise is highly criticized from the  health and consumer Information organizations in Germany because it is well known that there are more health risks to it than stimulating Appetite.Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter and migraines and Asthma and Water Retention are some of the Symptoms sensitive People can get from it. (Many of my Clients and I personally react to yeast extract in  the same way as to Glutamate .!) I hope you like the Information besides that you like the taste. I personally would prefer to use a tiny bit of salt. 1,5g Salt would be an amount that can actually be helpful for many People because no salt can increase Adrenalin. In Hypothyroidism, sweating, drinking too much fluid etc. there is a risk to get hyponatremia, too. So i think it is not good or needed for everybody  to go completey saltfree.   Send you my best wishes from the heart, Kerstin

  4. S Hess
    S Hess says:

    I’m so frustrated that all I can do is give you one mere thumbs up!!! I would give you several and a HooRaa as well. Thanks for this amazing recipe. So much healthier than other beet hummus that are found in stores. You are doing such good work and inspiring so many!


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