Instant Pot Turkey Bone Broth that Gels Every Time

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Instant Pot Turkey Bone Broth is the quick and easy way to make bone broth. With these step-by-step instructions that I learned from the folks at Instant Pot, your …

20 replies
  1. Chuck Longton
    Chuck Longton says:

    Hi Mary. I made turkey bone broth yesterday exactly as you instructed, and it came out good. I screened it thru a strainer and farm towel exactly as you did and it looked and smelled wonderful. I strained it into a second Instant Pot pot, and put it in the refrigerator. This morning I took it out to skim off the fat, which I did, but was surprised to see that there was no more liquid. It was ALL jelly – 3-inches deep! Is that normal? What do I do with it?

  2. Joyce stiler
    Joyce stiler says:

    Hi Mary,
    I love your videos and have your recipe for Apple Cider Vinegar brewing on my back counter, I’ve made a whole chicken & bone in turkey breast according to your instructions and they were delicious. I’ve been making bone broth for years the old fashioned way but I’m ready to try your way. I have a turkey carcass and 2 chicken carcasses along with 6 chicken feet defrosting as I write. My question is: Can you make the broth with frozen or partially frozen carcasses, if so how long should it cook and should it still be cooked on low pressure? Thanks for all your help

  3. Suanna Flippin
    Suanna Flippin says:

    PLEASE NO MORE INSTANT POT, There are at least 100 channels promoting Instant Pot. 1. I do not have space for another appliance. 2. I can't afford one. 3. I want to use my own pans. 4. I only cook for one person and the pots make to much. I really enjoy your videos that are not Instant Pot. Abie

  4. Mob Barley
    Mob Barley says:

    Thank u, Mary. I'm just trying to understand. I have the IP Duo cooking right now at the 2hrs Low P u recommend. But why do I have to drink jello to get the benefits of the collagen? Won't my gi tract break it down anyway? So, is it "destroyed" by greater heat or pressure? Or is it simply further digested? Or is that collagen going to absorb directly thru the stomach? See what I'm saying? It might be better thicker for skin applications but why drink jello? Seems kind of disgusting? Ya know?thx 🤗

  5. Mahogony Rising
    Mahogony Rising says:

    Hi ! Thank you so much for this wonderful bone broth videos I am learning so much ♥️ I have successfully made two batches of beef bone broth. I am just wondering why my broth is spoiling after a few days? I cannot seem to get past three days of storing the broth before it goes bad, especially after removing the fat layer.

  6. Rain Country
    Rain Country says:

    Hey Mary, glad to see you have this video out since I mention you and bone broth in the video that published today but I shot it three weeks ago! haha! Hope you are well my friend, see you have not put a video up for several days. You must be enjoying the holidays and if so, that is great! 😀

  7. Nik S
    Nik S says:

    Canning both? Couldn't possibly drink that much bone broth and love cooking with my own broth. I have frozen both but it took a lot of room. I have also loss a bunch of food from power outage. So I like to can it. But what I am understanding that, I have damage the broth by canning it. What to do?

  8. Vera Campbell
    Vera Campbell says:

    I’m getting my instant pot and have saved my turkey bones. I’m going to make some broth soon. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thank you for sharing this with us. Mary I am so thankful I found your channel.

  9. Monica Mario
    Monica Mario says:

    Hey lovely lady! Can you make bone broth from duck bones? My husband cooked two ducks over the Christmas break (very delicious and tender), however, there was a lot of bones that were tossed out. It would be great if we could repurpose them. What are your thoughts? Thanks ;- )

  10. Brigitte Brown
    Brigitte Brown says:

    Hi Mary. I was surprised when I heard you say that bone broth can be put in smoothies. How much bone broth can be put in a smoothie? What kind of bone broth? Also, which one of your videos you talked about bone broth in smoothies so that I can watch it?
    Thanks and Happy New Year, in advance. 😊

  11. Little Country Cabin
    Little Country Cabin says:

    So I don’t have an instant pot and I’m asking myself why??? Time to get one! You know I love all things broth😍!!! Thank you dear friend for sharing all this wonderful knowledge. God’s blessings to you!!!

    Love seeing your channel grow! You strive to produce good quality content and it definitely shows. So proud for you❤️

  12. Jean Woodall
    Jean Woodall says:

    Looks delicious but I'll still do the low and slow method. Right now I'm cooking up a big batch of split peas (Mom gave me a couple of bags of dried ones) with some leftover ham I cubed up. It's been simmering for hours. Daniel has been whining that he didn't get to meet his maternal grandfather but he died 23 years ago and Daniel is 11 so they had no chance to meet. I don't know how he can miss someone he's never met or interacted with. For instance I never met my biological paternal grandmother as she did in a train accident while my father was still younger and my Aunt Kathy only lived one day so I didn't meet either of them. I met both my maternal grandparents but they died when I was in Elementary school and I only knew them when I was three to five and I don't remember them. I more miss Thomas daily. I miss my father, Uncle Johnny, Aunt Linda, and Uncle David around the holidays when I normally saw them.

  13. SadieMae
    SadieMae says:

    Hello Mary..Your videos are fabulous! Like I said. I just found your videos..Going to share them around too..I was wondering.. Could you please give a video of information on BPA free, and other chemical free food storage?? You deliver your instructions for anyone to understand easily.. Thank you so much!


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