Instant pot: The Not-so-Instant Disaster

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45 replies
  1. Peri Grinn
    Peri Grinn says:

    Kind of strange how suddenly those trusting, vulnerable young men were so quickly disposed of as soon as you got them to sign the shady documentation you drafted, no? Who is next? Is he also nearly ten years younger than you? What did you promise him?

  2. Ender Sapphirus
    Ender Sapphirus says:

    To all the white knights in here, what do you even gain from this? Blair will never thank you, never give you anything, never appreciate what you do. She clearly does not care about anyone but herself.

  3. Cedrove
    Cedrove says:

    you know, i dont even need to watch this to guess you probably just ripped most of the content for this video from the recent Some More News video about planned obsolescence. but that'd be completely fitting for something as demonic as you.

    THE SHIELD says:

    The instant disaster is Blair and her disgusting, grooming ways with young men and financial manipulation. Glad to still see you're still bleeding subscribers and views. Hope you don't start sub botting.

  5. Troy Winkelman
    Troy Winkelman says:

    Wow, Blair created a shadow company built on manipulation, and convinced gullible people to give her money and assets while having little to no liability for themselves. Most people lose, and Blair/the company take advantage. Sounds a lot like the MLMs she'd try to expose.

    Pot, meet kettle.

  6. Stef Doyle
    Stef Doyle says:

    Just here to savor the slow death of your channel. Been a minute. I see you lost another 10,000 subs. NICE. Had to look hard for your channel as well. Enjoy the shadowban ๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Sam Farrow
    Sam Farrow says:

    Usually I have sympathy for people when they reflect on their own actions and try to do better. I thought you were bad enough before, but now 0z Mยฃd1@ has said about what youโ€™ve done to him, thatโ€™s when sympathy gets thrown out of the window for me. Whatever happens to you, Iโ€™ll be laughing.

  8. Michelle Stuart
    Michelle Stuart says:

    Wowโ€ฆtaking advantage of young men, and then calling them freeloadersโ€ฆyou have a line of victims, Blair, there is such thing as karmaโ€ฆ.and nature does it for us sometimesโ€ฆ

  9. SmonkyBoiyo
    SmonkyBoiyo says:

    STOOOP BRO you're actively continuing to harass someone for talking about your actions, your trying to force them into the streets. Just stop or die or something but this went way too far a long time ago

  10. Casual Pasta
    Casual Pasta says:

    blair cried tears of longing and hope as she discussed her feelings for someone, hoping they'd always reconnect, in her expose video. now she is working to foreclose on his home in time for christmas.

  11. Ruth Antiaobong
    Ruth Antiaobong says:


  12. blue dragon
    blue dragon says:

    Congrats on dropping ANOTHER 10k subs to 1.34k blair! Its almost like sane people dont like someone having a pattern of abusing people and then ignoring it! Or abusers in general like you!


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