Instant Pot Recipe: Oil Free Hummus -Vegan Deliciousness!

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I hope you’ll try this delicious oil free vegan hummus, two different ways! Making the garbanzo beans takes a mere 30 minutes in the Instant Pot pressure cooker, …

28 replies
  1. Vicki Beaver
    Vicki Beaver says:

    Love love love, your recipes Heather. I'm new to your channel and can't get enough of your inspiring messages & meal plans/ recipes.. You are awesome!!! From the ❤️ Vicki in Virginia 🙏😇❣️p.s. sending you a great big hug for just being you!!!

  2. Ms Pat
    Ms Pat says:

    Hi Jill McKeever 🙋‍♀️ just subscribed with you, yesterday, & now this sweet lady was in my feed of suggestions.
    Both of you are interesting & informative. I'm looking forward to the notifications from you, both 💞👵
    & sharin', of course 😘

  3. 40bdg
    40bdg says:

    Would I be able to freeze the Aqua Faba? I don't think I would be able to use it all before it went bad. Which I guess begs the question, how long does it last in the fridge?

  4. Tangela Bernius
    Tangela Bernius says:

    You said that you soaked the beans in water for a few hours and to start it out warm. Did you soak them in your instantpot on the slow cooker mode? I've only used my Instantpot once, so not that familiar with how it works.

  5. Pearls & Pears
    Pearls & Pears says:

    I jusy bought an instant pot and havent used it yet… Im also making the teansition to hclv- I think this may be the first thing i cook in it!! You're a doll, cant wait to try more of your recipes:)) subscribed!


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