Instant Pot Pastina Porridge

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Quick and Easy Recipe: Pastina are tiny little pasta stars that are …

24 replies
  1. @joelchoquette5674
    @joelchoquette5674 says:

    Hey Jeffrey! Usually I'm a little indifferent to your addition of Borsin to so many of your recipes, but as delicate as the flavors are in this recipe I'm sure it's a fantastic ingredient. And thanks for another Instant Pot recipe!

  2. @YarnArtistsUnited21
    @YarnArtistsUnited21 says:

    Being married to an Italian, pasta dishes must be spot on. When they viewed the recipe, I got a “looks good, I’ll eat it”. Got the preliminary Italian seal of approval. Can’t wait to try to get the full review.

  3. @claudiafiore2789
    @claudiafiore2789 says:

    OMG that looks absolutely delectable! I’ve never seen anything quite like that dish, but you’ve got me drooling! I think I’m gonna have to try that one Jeffrey. By the way, where did you come across this recipe? Or is it your own unique creation? The only time I’ve ever seen Pastina was in Campbell’s chicken and stars soup, which was one of my favorites as a little kid. In any case I fully intend to give this recipe a try. Thanks for branching out and putting something truly unique on your wonderful channel! And happy holidays.! 🎄

  4. @nataliepacheco8196
    @nataliepacheco8196 says:

    I love pastina. I have not seen it in the pasta isle for a long time where we lived in California or where I live now. I have however found it on Amazon. As a little girl my grandma use to cook mine and add milk and a little salt and top with parm.


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