Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes

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This is the BEST recipe for Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes. With a few tips, making creamy, buttery, fluffy mashed potatoes in the …

11 replies
  1. louandbarb
    louandbarb says:

    Hi Kristen: great recipe as usual. Our old Instant Pot just broke today (after much use! I am overwhelmed with all of the choices of Instant Pot. I had no idea. When we bought this one, there was only one choice. Are the more expensive ones worth the extra cost? They sure do look a lot nicer than the one we have. But I wanted to ask your opinion first. Thanks so much Barbara

  2. Patti S
    Patti S says:

    They look yummy! Question: can you keep these on warm after you make them without them getting gummy or starchy while you're waiting for other items to finish cooking? Or is that not recommended.

  3. Michelle Fitz
    Michelle Fitz says:

    I really enjoy your videos. Keep doing what you’re doing. What sets you apart is your unique and thoughtful (mind full- haha) “Tips” that are spot on! I hope more folks find you soon.

  4. Sherry Liberto
    Sherry Liberto says:

    Wow, that looks so good. I have 2 very large sweet potatoes. Thats what I'm going to do today. Im going to go through your videos hopefully I'll find something. Hope you are doing well. Continued prayers. Sending love and big hugs Sherry ❤


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