Instant Pot Jamaican Oxtail Stew

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Recipe: Oxtail. The word alone is curious. Probably mostly because it’s not like we …

39 replies
  1. Halden Kirkwood
    Halden Kirkwood says:

    Before you touch your eyes…or vastly more importantly, before you head to the bathroom to drain the lizard, or before you lie down in bed that night and find your thoughts wandering towards the sensual and the enticing…. BEWARE. Vastly disproportionate punishment stands at your door and you gonna suffer. Yes YOU. It has come for you, and it is the cost of cooking with delicious peppers. It is the burden we all must carry, to whatever end. To whatever end.

  2. zxsma
    zxsma says:

    Grew up eating oxtail, ribs, ham hocks. Back in the day these were considered the throw away meats. Now i can barely afford them lol. Great recipe. Mom would make it into stew.. american version.

  3. Joel Choquette
    Joel Choquette says:

    When I was a child my Mom would make oxtail for us, but not spicy like this. I absolutely know what you mean about the meat; it's out of this world delicious! Back then it was a cheap cut but it's funny how things change. I'm glad you made this and sometime when my wife isn't here I'm going to give it a try.

  4. Pat Patrix
    Pat Patrix says:

    Everyone always talks about touching your eyes after using spicy peppers…but no one ever mentions picking your nose. It hurts people. A lot. Yeah I pick my nose while I cook, shut up.

  5. Carlos Robins
    Carlos Robins says:

    You crack me up. 17:20. Suck that bone dry. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
    Seriously, the collagen turns into gelatin, which when consumed is good for padding the joints. Those joint pain relief pills are mostly gelatin.

  6. No Nonsense Girl
    No Nonsense Girl says:

    I come from an agricultural area of the U.S. where there’s a Basque population and several popular Basque restaurants. Ox Tail Stew is a staple, go-to on the menu. It’s absolutely delicious. The name may sound off putting, but think meaty pot roast like stew that has enormous flavor due to the bone marrow.

  7. Randy Autrand
    Randy Autrand says:

    Ive only had Oxtails once. A fellow fisherman on the Delta from Oakland made some at a Dock Party Potluck we had. The BEST EVER!!!!! Going to try this for sure. Thanks so much for the wonderful videos

  8. Luanne McCallister
    Luanne McCallister says:

    I will never cut habaneros barehanded again. I did it once, years ago, because I had no idea how bad they were. Even though I thoroughly washed my hands after, they were on fire all night long. I literally lay in bed crying because I was in so much pain. Luckily, I never touched my eyes. I can't even imagine.


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